سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


Method Of Translation



In the name of God



Method of translation

At first we should know, the meaning of translation that we can do translating.

Translation is the replacement of textual information. In translation, we translate the massage from source language to target language.

There are two kind of translation:

  1. Free translation.
  2. Literal translation (word by word).
  3. Free translation:

The translator translate according to his or her understanding and sometimes a sentence in the source language can be replace by a phrase.

For example:

  1.        knowledge is power free translation:توانا بود هر که دانا بود

Literal translation: دانش قدرت است

  1. Second translation is literal translation or word by word translation:

This type of translation generally means what it says and all the words in the source language will be replaced by words in the target language.

For example:

I met them in the park   من ملاقات کردم آنها را در پارک

This translation is unusual translation.

In the real translation translator should not translate according to      his/her interest.

They should attention to the real meaning of the text.

Word have different meaning in isolation but the exact meaning of the word is used in the context.

For example: the meaning of spring in this four sentences is different.

a: Spring (بهار) is the first season of the year.

b: The spring (فنر) of his watch is broken.

c: He went to fetch water from the spring. (چشمه)

d: The cat got ready to spring (جهش کردن) on the mouse.

In some really sentences there are some words that they haven’t equivalent in Farsi because that words are local culture or they are untranslatable for example:

ex:haft sin or doa komail

b: They are planning to get married at Christmas.

Christmas hasn’t a equivalent in Farsi, so we must tell Christmas.

Translation of idioms

Idioms say to group of word that the meaning of sentences is different with the meaning of word by word in sentence

ex: a: He gave me a nasty look

word by word: او نگاه کثیفی به من انداخت    

free translation: او چپ چپ نگام کرد

or b: Easy come, easy go

word by word: راحت می‌آید. راحت می‌رود    

free translation:   باد آورده را باد می‌برد

Idioms are classified in to five groups.

  1. Idioms in general
  2. Proverbs
  3. Formal idioms
  4. Informal idioms
  5. Idioms sued as the slang.
  6. Idioms in general:

They are used in all contexts and in all kinds of speaking and writing.

For example: to fish in troubled waters.

meaning:     از آب گل‌آلود ماهی گرفتن

  1. Proverbial expressions.

Example: kill two birds with one ston

Word by word translate: با یک سنگ 2 تا گنجشک زدن

Free translate: با یک تیر 2 نشان زدن

  1. Formal idioms

They are used in formal speech and writing.

Example: to turn one’s coat

meaning: موضع خود را تغییر دادن

  1. Informal idioms

They are sued in informal speech and writing

Example: Rain cat and dog

meaning: سیل از آسمون می‌آید.

  1. Idioms sues as the slang

They are used as slang in informal conversation by a particular class or group of people

Example: Donkey work

meaning: خراب کاری ـ کار احمقانه

after this information about translate you must know two thing that are very important.

  1. Characteristic of a good translation.


  1. Characteristic of a good translator.

This two thing is result of my research.

a good translation

  1. It should be read with ease and pleasure
  2. Style of the source language should be similar to the style of the target language.
  3. In a good translation, nothing should be added or nothing should be omitted

a good translator

  1. It should have much background information, not only a bout source language but also about target language.
  2. A good translator should be faithful or loyal to the original text and to keep the form and style of source language and target language.
  3. The third one is that she or he should not misunderstand the text.

Produce by

Zahra GHanbari

Ostad shahbazi

نويسنده : زهرا قنبری کله

این کاربر 1 مطلب منتشر شده دارد.


#1 سپیده شهبازی 1392-03-17 21:49
thanks for your theories

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