سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


مهدی محمدی سرشت

موضوع : ارائه درس كاربيني

استاد : سركار خانم شهبازي

دانشجو : مهدي محمدي سرشت

ديابت : قسمت اول


ديابت مي تواند از جايي كه به فكر شما نمي رسد به شما آسيب رساند ، مي تواند باعث كوري و منجر به قطع عضو و حتي مرگ شود .

دلا ريز مبتلا به ديابت است . ستاره برنامه تلوزيوني "لمس شده توسط يك فرشته" از اين نگران است كه ديابت مي تواند در ميان جوانان آمريكايي به صورت بيماري همه گير درآيد .

زن سال 1999 خانم نيكول جانسون ، يكبار در بين مسابقه زنان زيبا در اثر ديابت از هوش رفت . همچنين ستاره برنامه افسانه اي "ليو ايت تو بيور" با بيماري ديابت دست و پنجه نرم مي كند .

همچنين مادر و دايي هنرپيشه زن،خانم مارگان فارچايد ، هر دوي آنها در اثر عوارض جانبي ديابت از دنيا رفتند .

همچنين دكتر پيشتاز و سرشناس در زمينه درمان و كنترل ديابت خانم دكتر آن پيتر در اين برنمامه حضور دارند

اين برنامه يك ساعته مي تواند باعث حفظ جان شما شود و يا اينكه زندگي بهتري را براي آنكس كه دوستش داريد فراهم كند .

اين برنامه از استوديو لاري كينگ به طور زنده پخش مي شود .

ديابت : قسمت دوم

دكتر "آن پيتر" مي گويد : من فكر مي كنم كه ديابت يك كلمه يوناني به معناي جدا از هم ايستادن است و آن به مردمي در زمانهاي دور مربوط مي شود كه آنها به دليل ادار زياد با فاصله از هم در توالت و يا هر جايي كه در آن ادرار مي كردند قرار مي گرفتند .  

ديابت : قسمت دوم :

مجري :اين درسته كه نوع اول ديابت احتياج به تزريق انسولين داره ؟

دكتر:در حقيقت نوع اول ديابت معناش اينه كه شما در باقيمانده زندگيتون احتياج به تزريق انسولين داريد .

مجري:اون (نوع اول) به نوجواني ناميده ميشه، آيا اين براي اينه كه نوع اول از جوانتر ها شروع ميشه ،

دكتر :آره،قبلا نوع اول به نوجواني صدا ميشد اما الان پيرترين مريض من با سن 93 سال با حمله جديد از نوع نوع اول روبرو شده، بنابراين من اونو به مرض نوجواني تعبير نمي كنم .

مجري : چرا شما در اين رشته خبره شدي؟

دكتر : چون من مردمو دوست دارم و من امراضيو كه تمام ارگانهاي مختلف بدنو درگير ميكنه رو دوست دارم و همچنين من امراضيو كه بخاطر اون بايد مريضاتو در سراسر زندگيشون بشناسيو دوست دارم .

مجري : بر حسب اتفاق دالاريز، تنها يك قرباني ديابت نيست،او سخنگوي شركت اوانديا( داروساز) ديابت بوده و همچنين سايت ايشان توسط شركت دلروسازي گالكسو حمايت ميشه،چطور فهميدي كه ديابت داري؟

ديابت : قسمت سوم

دلاريز : من نميدونستم كه ديابت دارمهيچكس در خانواده ما ديابت نداشته ، من هيچ علامت ديابتي نداشتم يك روز كه از پله ها پايين ميومدم انگار يك نفر با چكش تو سرم ميزد، ديابت اومده بود،من نمكيدونم اون چقدر طول كشيد،اما به همون سرعتي كه اومده بود ، رفت .من بلند شدم و رفتم سر كار .

موهامو درست كردم،گريم كردم و رفتم به سوي اتاق تغيير لباس . درست وقتي كه من داشتم براي برنامه"واينونا جود" كر اجرا ميكردم،ديگه هيچي نشنيدممن صداي كارگردانو شنيدم كه مي گفت ادامه بده،ديگه هيچي نشنيدم .من شنيدم كه اون گفت برنامه رو قطع كنيد،وقتي كه اون برنامه رو قطع كرد من روي سن ايستاده بودم و ميدونستم كه بايد يه چيزي رو بگيرم و از صحنه نمايش خارج و به فنس كنار صحنه تكيه كردم،تو همين اوضاع و احوال بودم كه كارگردان منو ديد و گفت: چه مشكلي برا دلا پيش اومده؟ بچه ها هيچي نگفتن چون شما ميدوني من هميشه مسخره بازي درميارم . كارگردان گفت: نه مشكلي براش پيش اومده،اونا پزشكارو صدا كردن و اينطوري فهميدم ديابت دارم .

مجري : دكتر ، مشكل دلا چيه ؟

دكتر : من توضيح قابل قبولي درباره مريضيه دلا ندارم ،اما به هر حال دلا مريضه .

مجري : ميدونم اما اون نشونه هاي مثل ديابت نوع دومه ؟

ديابت : قسمت چهارم

خوب مشكل ديابت نوع دوم اينه كه خيلي اتفاقات با نوع دوم ميتونه بيفته،تعداد زيادي از قسمتهاي بدن ميتونن درگير بشن،قلب،شما ممكنه سكته كنيد. ممكنه تو ديدتون مشكل پيدا كنيد ،شما ميتونيد هرنوع مرض رو بگيريد،

مجري : اون ميتونه رو خيلي از چيزا اثر بذاره؟

دكتر : بله،اما بيشتر از افرادي كه مبتلا به نوع دوم هستند براي مدتي طولاني هيچ نشونه اي ندارن بنابر اين وقتي كسي شناسايي ميشه ما دقيقا فكر ميكنيم كه مريضيو براي مدت 7 تا 10 ساله كه داره .

مجري : روبرت ،تو چه كار كردي؟ يه بار سكته كردي درسته ؟

روبرت : بله

كسي قبلش بهت گفته بود كه ديابت داري ؟

روبرت : نه . من تا چند ساله پيش نميدونستم كه ديابت دارم . خودم فهميدم، من ميخواستم تا براي سه يا چهار روز از رختخواب بيرون نيام هيچ نيرويي نداشتم،كاملا بيحال بودم سر انجام همسام دانا گفت كه ما بايد تو رو از رختخواب بياريم بيرون چون اين كار تو اصلا درست نيست،بنابر اين من رفتم پيش دكتر ، رفتم بيمارستان و دكترا قند خونم و اندازه گرفتن ، اون چقدر بود، اون 171 بود،بعدش دكتر گفت: هنوز داره قدم ميزنه؟

ديابت قسمت پنجم :

نيكل جانسن،زن سال 1999 است، او مبتلا به ديابت نوع دومه،ايشان مشاور شركت ايمني و توليد كننده پمپهاي انسولين است و نماينده رسمي اين شركت است، و همچنين مجري برنامه ديلايف تيوي ،برنامه اي كه هفته اي يكبار درباره زندگي با ديابت اسچطور تو فهميدي كه مبتلا به نوع دوم هستي؟

جانسون : من دانشجو بودم،19 سالم بود،و همينطور كه شما قبلا شنيدي ، من هم علامتهاي مشابهي رو داشتم،بيحالي،خيلي خسته شدن،من خيلي آب ميخوردم و يكسره ميرفتم دستشويي،اما قبل از اينكه ديابت من معلوم بشه،سه بار دكترا نتونسته بودن اونو تشخيص بدن ،ديابت داشت بدن منو نابود ميكرد.

مجري : الان چطور داري ديابت و درمان ميكني ؟

جانسون :من انسولين روزانه خودم و از طريق پمپ انسولين وارد بدنم ميكنم،من انسولينو با تزريق شروع كردم،

مجري: پمپ اتوماتيك كار ميكنه ؟

جانسون : بله،اون يك پمپ از نسل پنجمه انسولينه، بنابراين من فقط به جاي اينكه سه يا چهاربار در روز تزريق داشته باشم هر سه روز يك بار دارم . اون مانند يك عضو مصنوعي خارج از بدن منه كه واقعا در حد عالي منو كمك ميكنه . چون اون يك انعطاف خوبي رو براي كنترل اين وضعيت به من ميده .

مجري : آيا اميد به زندگي جانسون بخاطر ديابت كم شده ؟

دكتر : تا زمانيكه جانسون از خودش مواظبت ميكنه ، نه

مجري : اما نوع اول ميتونه اميد به زندگي رو پايين بياره ، درسته ؟

دكتر : هر دو نوع ميتونه اميد به زندگي رو پايين بياره اما دوباره ميگم اگر شما درست از خودت مراقبت كني اون پايين نمياد

مجري : جري تو چطور فهميدي كه ديابت داري ؟

من يك رفيق خيلي خوب داشتم كه دكتر بود ، به من گفت سنت از 50 داره ميگذره، بيا آزمايش بده ، آزمايش دادم ديدم اي داد بيداد، ديابت دارم و اگر دوباره پرخوري كنم ميميرم ف حالا ديگه بر خلاف ميلم بايد رژيم بگيرم و انسولين تزريق كنم .

مجري : از اينكه يك ساعت مهمون ما بوديد تشكر .

Israeli warplanes have entered the Lebanese airspace and conducted 'imaging missions' in the country, according to Lebanese and Israeli media.

The jets flew at low altitudes over the southern regions of Hasbaya and Marjayoun Friday morning and then headed to the eastern Bekaa Valley, security sources told the Lebanese paper Daily Star.

The Lebanese sources added the violation of the country's airspace lasted for an hour.

Israel Radio reported that the warplanes carried out imaging missions in the south of Lebanon.

The flights violate the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, a measure the Israeli regime has frequently breached since its endorsement in 2006.

The development comes two days after Israeli jets attacked a scientific research center near the Syrian capital, killing two people and wounding five others.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned a recent Israeli airstrike on a research center near the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Turkish media reported that OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu denounced the Israeli attack on Thursday.

“Israeli attack on a Syrian target will increase the imbalance in the Middle East,” Ihsanoglu said.

On January 30, the Syrian army said two people were killed and five others injured in an Israeli airstrike on a research center in Jamraya, near the capital. The Israeli regime declined to comment on the issue.

On Thursday, Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah strongly condemned the Israeli attack and said it was “barbaric aggression.”

Russia also said if the information on the Israeli attack was confirmed, “Then we are dealing with unprovoked strikes against targets located on the territory of a sovereign state, which brazenly infringes on the UN Charter and is unacceptable, no matter the motive used for its justification.”

British Foreign Secretary William Hague claims the Israeli regime’s violation of Syria’s airspace in the air raid on a Syrian army research center is a “reaction” to the Syrian crisis rather than a breach of the country's sovereignty.

“I’m not going to give any condemnation of Israel, rushing to any criticism,” Hague told the BBC.

In a clear attempt to whitewash the Israeli aggression, Hague further claimed that Israel has rightfully reacted to the situation in Syria.

“We have a whole massive situation in Syria to deal with … So I think we should keep our eyes on the main event, on the main crisis,” he said.

“IF it affects neighboring countries they would react in various ways, we have to get to the root causes of it and the root cause of the Syria crisis is not Israel,” he added.

This comes as Britain had initially avoided reacting to the airstrike on the research center in northwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus that killed two people and injured several others in full violation of the international law.

The raid has been condemned by Iran, China and Russia with Russians calling it an "unjustified assault" and a "blatant violation of the UN Charter."

This is while analysts believe the attack has been exactly opposite to what Hague has tried to pretend it is, that is an Israeli act of provocation to drag Syria into de facto war that would give the west an excuse for direct military intervention in the Middle Eastern country.

Following the strike, the Syrian army accused Tel Aviv of being behind the unrest in the country.

Syria has formally complained to the United Nations over the Israeli fighter jets’ attack.

Meanwhile, Britain has been playing a major role in fanning the flames of unrest in Syria by providing support for terrorists who are killing innocent civilians in the country.

Hague reiterated that stance in his interview with the BBC, saying London will “keep increasing the support, the practical support we give to the [Syrian] opposition.”

Lebanese President Michel Sleiman has denounced the Israeli attack on a research center in Syria, accusing the Tel Aviv regime of using the turmoil in the Arab country to carry out its ‘aggressive policies.’

“Israel is exploiting the current situation in Syria to implement its aggressive policies, flouting international treaties and humanitarian rights and norms,” said the Lebanese president in a Thursday statement released by his office.

On January 30, the Syrian army said two people were killed and five others injured in an Israeli airstrike on a research center in Jamraya, near the capital. The Israeli regime declined to comment on the issue.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour also called for a firm stance by Arab countries to confront the Israeli assault.

Mansour said the aggression again confirms the reality of the Israeli regime’s conduct by which it has been characterized since 1948.

On Thursday, Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah strongly condemned the Israeli attack and said it was “barbaric aggression.”

Russia also said if the information on the Israeli attack was confirmed, “Then we are dealing with unprovoked strikes against targets located on the territory of a sovereign state, which brazenly infringes on the UN Charter and is unacceptable, no matter the motive used for its justification.”

Tens of thousands of civil servants have launched their first nationwide protest against austerity measures by the socialist administration of President Francois Hollande in 120 cities across France, Press TV reports.

According to CGT Equipment-Environment labor union, around 150,000 people participated in the Thursday protests nationwide.

Hollande’s government has refused to lift a public sector pay freeze, which was imposed by his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy in 2010, in an attempt to curb spending and reduce the national debt burden.

“We are not ignorant of our nation’s bad economic situation and budget constraints. But the unions have a very clear idea about how to distribute our nation’s wealth and we are waiting for the socialists to act,” said Nicolas Baille from the CGT Equipment-Environment Union.

“[President] Francois Hollande has continued to cut jobs. He hasn’t increased our spending power. He gave 20 billion euros to corporate bosses with no strings attached. There are many things he promised to change, but he hasn’t changed anything.”

Nearly 25 percent of civil servants are only paid the minimum wage but the French government says there is no money for even a slight increase in payments.

The low salaries have led to an 11-percent drop in purchasing power since 2000.

In May 2012, two-thirds of civil servants voted for Hollande, making them a key voter demographic.

Since taking office, Hollande’s approval ratings have plummeted from 61 percent to a current 44 percent.

Is the Catholic Church ready for a black pope? That is the question many inside and outside the world’s largest Christian organization are asking following the surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI this week.

The German pontiff, formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he was elected in 2005, is the first leader of the Catholic Church in 600 years to retire before death. Most of his predecessors, who trace their official lineage back nearly 2,000 years to Saint Peter, the first pope, have died while still in the top job.

At age 85 and citing failing health, the outgoing pope has triggered a wave of speculation on who will be his successor. That will be decided next month when the church’s cardinals from various parts of the world convene in Rome to elect the new pontiff.

Not only should the next leader of the Catholic Church be black, but also the mere fact that the above question is posed in the way that it is - is the church ready for a black pope? - betrays a deep unspoken racism, not just in the church hierarchy but in the European-American centric world that it reflects. Of course the Catholic Church should have a black leader. What on earth, or heaven, is the deliberation about?

First of all when we say “black” we mean all people who are non-white; those from Africa, Asia and the Americas, that is, outside the Euro-North American realm.

The election of a black pope is a simple matter of justice. Most of the Catholic Church’s one billion membership stems from outside the traditional power base of Europe and its white North American colonial extension. While the church’s numbers have been dwindling particularly in Europe over recent decades, it is growing steadily elsewhere in the world.

Nearly half of the church’s worldwide followers now come from Latin America. With a population of nearly 200 million, Brazil is the largest Catholic country in the world.

The church is growing rapidly in Asia too, with major population centres in the Philippines, China and India.

However, it is Africa where the Catholic Church is seeing its most spectacular growth. Over the past century, the numbers of Catholics on the continent have grown from some two million in 1900 to a present day figure of 180 million.

By the year 2025, the African church is projected to rise to 230 million, when one in six Catholics worldwide will be African.

In the space of one hundred years, the balance of demographic power in the Catholic Church, in terms of its ordinary membership, has swung diametrically. Whereas before, three-quarters of the church’s followers resided in Europe and North America, today more than 70 per cent of the world’s Catholics are living in Africa, Asia and Central, South America.

In a word, the Catholic Church today is black.

Therefore, it is entirely proper that the leader of this church should be black. This is not just a basic matter of democratic fairness. To not reflect its membership leaves the Catholic Church open to accusations that it is white-dominated and Eurocentric, in the same way that many other international institutions are failing.

The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations with its white-dominated Security Council are other examples of this racial divide of the world that does not reflect humanity’s democratic composition and concerns. If these organizations are failing in their humanitarian commitments and duties, then it is plausible that their undemocratic administrative structure is central to the problem.

Apart from the question of democratic principle, there are many other good reasons why the Catholic Church should choose its next leader from beyond its traditional white conclave.

As the infirmed Pope Benedict said in his resignation speech this week, the primary purpose of the church is preaching the gospel, meaning the “good news” of God for mankind. That vocation is fittingly suited to those parts of the world where the church is young, growing and energetic.

After all, the description “Catholic” derives from the Greek word “katholikas” which means “universal”. The church should therefore demonstrate its purpose and meaning by having a figurehead that reflects its presumed universalist body.

The scandals that have greatly wounded the Catholic Church in recent years, causing its membership to hemorrhage, are largely problems emanating from Europe and North America. The clerical child sex abuse that emerged during Benedict’s eight years as pontiff has plagued the church with disillusionment and dwindling numbers. Clerics who engaged in these crimes have been seen to be based mainly in Europe and North America, and the church hierarchy in these countries, including the pope, has been accused of callous negligence towards victims and, worse, cover-up of the scandal.

The theft and subsequent release of confidential documents by the Pope Benedict’s personal butler last year also sparked embarrassing scandals over financial sleaze and money-laundering in the Vatican’s lucrative bank dealings - one of the richest institutions in the world owing to centuries of European colonialism. The butler’s disclosures also shed light on petty-power bickering among the Vatican hierarchy, which reinforces the notion that it looks like a rich-man’s club completely out of touch with the concerns of the rest of the world.

It seems a patent matter of justice that a worldwide church should not be made to suffer because of the sins of its white and mainly European leadership. This leadership has inflicted deep damage and should therefore makes amends by at least relinquishing its monopoly on administrative power.

Today’s Catholic Church is not only black. It is mainly poor. Most of its membership - like the world at large - is struggling with violent conflict and economic exploitation in order to feed their families.

In his official meetings with US presidents Bush and Obama, Pope Benedict gave emphasis to the issues of abortion and what might be referred to as “life ethics” such as contraception and gay marriage.

It is true that Benedict criticised the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, but not nearly as forcefully as he should have done. These are after all huge crimes of genocide and aggression that have set a dynamic for many other neo-imperialist wars that are now raging across the Middle East and Africa, Syria and Mali being the most recent cases.

When did Pope Benedict denounce the continual threat of nuclear war against Iran issued by the US and its surrogate Israeli client? Or the illegal and barbaric American and European sanctions that are inflicting so much suffering on the people of Iran? The pope is not just a leader of Catholic Christians, he is supposed to be a voice for all of humanity, whether Christian, Muslim or any other.

What the Catholic Church and the world needs is a leader who speaks up unequivocally and vociferously against the massive structural violence and violations that are indisputably the result of Western government foreign policies. Such a leader needs to condemn the American and European perpetrator presidents and prime ministers of these abominations, not to indulge them with reverential meetings to discuss ethical issues.

The politically conservative German pontiff, known for this theological dogmatism, failed conspicuously to denounce capitalism. As with most of the European and North American hierarchy, the outgoing pontiff seems to be oblivious to the fact that this elite-driven economic system dominated by Washington, London, Paris and Berlin is literally crucifying the planet and its people with poverty, disease, hunger and ecological destruction.

The Eurocentric Catholic Church with its long succession of white popes reflects a world that has become warped and corrupted by elite domination, manifested in capitalism and warmongering imperialism that subjugate the world’s majority in conditions of poverty and conflict. Those chains need to be broken. If the Catholic Church is truly guided by God’s good news, then it must break from the pernicious paradigm of elite domination and open up to the reality and needs of the common human condition.

One final irony is that history shows that Africa - while being a recent growth area for the church - is also crucial to its origins and subsequent spreading of the religion. In years following Jesus, his disciples took his teachings from Palestine to Alexandria, in Egypt, as well as Constantinople, Antioch and Rome. One of the four evangelists and friends of Jesus, Saint Mark, was from Cyrene, in what is now modern-day Libya. Mark along with others brought the early church to North and East Africa. At least three of the early popes - Victor I, Miltiades and Gelasius I - were from Roman-occupied Africa. It was only in the following centuries that the Catholic Church became centered on Rome and most of its popes thereafter were Italian and European.

So the historical precedent for an African pope is strong, as well as the modern need for a more representative church that truly reflects and speaks for the human concerns of the world.

A black pope would be long-overdue good news, and a good new beginning.

نويسنده : مهدی محمدی سرشت

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