چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403



mary was english girl but she lived in rome.she was six years old. last year her mother said to her. youre six years old now. mary and youare going to aschool here. you are going to like it very much, beacuse it a nice school

is it an english school? mary asked

yes it is her mother said.

mary went to the school and enjyed her lessons. her mother always took her to school in the morning and brought her home in the afternoon. last monday her mother went to the school at 4 oclock and mary ran out of her class.

we have got a new girl in our class today ,mummy,she said.

she is six years old too,and she is very nice, but isnot english. she is german.

does she speak english?mary mother asked.

no but she laught in english, mary said happily.

مری دختر انگلیسی بود اما او در رم زندگی می کرد و 6 سال داشت سال گذشته مادرش به او گفت: مری حالا تو 6 ساله هستی و باید اینجا به مدرسه بروی به خاطر اینکه مدرسه خیلی خوب است.

مری پرسید مدرسه انگلیسی وجود دارد؟

مادرش گفت: بله وجود دارد.

مری به مدرسه رفت و از درس خواندن لذت می برد.

مادرش هر روز صبح او را به مدرسه می برد و او را بعدازظهر به خانه بر می گرداند.

دوشنبه گذشته حدود ساعت 4 رفت تا او را از مدرسه بیاورد مری از کلاسه بیرون دوید و به مادرش گفت یک دوست جدید پیدا کردم مادر 6 سالش است.

خیلی زیباست اما انگلیسی نیست آلمانی زبان است.

مادرش پرسید آیا انگلیسی صحبت می کند.

مری با خوشحالی گفت نه.

اما خنده انگلیسی مانندی دارد.

mr and mrs yates had one daughter. her name was carol and she was nineteen years old. carlo lived with her parents and worked in an office. she had some finds. but she did not like any of the boys very much.

then she met a very nice young man. his name was georg warrs. and he worked in a bank near her office. they went out to gether quite a lot and he came to carlos parents house twice and then last week carlo went ti her father and said im going to marry george wats.

daddy he was here yeasterday.

oh yes her father said he is nice boy but has he got any money.

oh men all of you are the same the daughter answered angrily i met george on the first of june and on the second he said to me has your father got any money.

نويسنده : فاطمه عبدی

این کاربر 1 مطلب منتشر شده دارد.


#1 سپیده شهبازی 1392-03-17 18:28
hi. there were some grammatical mistakes

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