سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


The Christmas Presents




What makes one city different from another city? Is itthe buildings, the weather, the people? It is the peoplewho make a city, and to know a city, you must know itspeople. You must know what makes them laugh andcry, know the small details of their everyday lives.What kind of people lived in New York at thebeginning of the twentieth century? Are New Yorkersdifferent now from a hundred years ago? Cities growbigger with the years, new buildings are put up and oldbuildings are pulled down, horses are replaced by carsand buses, fashions change. But people do not change.The New Yorkers in these stories are very differentfrom each other, but the hopes of a tramp are asimportant as the hopes of a lawyer; the love of awaitress is as exciting as the love of an actress. And wesee that people's hopes and fears and dreams do notchange with the years.



ne dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all.Every day, when she went to the shops, she spentvery little money. She bought the cheapest meat, thecheapest vegetables. And when she was tired, she stillwalked round and round the shops to find the cheapestfood. She saved every cent possible.Delia counted the money again. There was nomistake. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That wasall. And the next day was Christmas.She couldn't do anything about it. She could only sitdown and cry. So she sat there, in the poor little room,and she cried.Delia lived in this poor little room, in New York,with her husband, James Dillingham Young. They alsohad a bedroom, and a kitchen and a bathroom - allpoor little rooms. James Dillingham Young was lucky,because he had a job, but it was not a good job. Theserooms took most of his money. Delia tried to findwork, but times were bad, and there was no work forher. But when Mr James Dillingham Young came

The Christmas Presents

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  The Christmas Presents">


One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Every day, when she went to the shops, she spent very little money. She bought the cheapest meat, the cheapest vegetables. And when she was tired, she still walked round and round the shops to find the cheapest food. She saved every cent possible. Delia counted the money again. There was no mistake. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And the next day was Christmas. She couldn't do anything about it. She could only sit down and cry. So she sat there, in the poor little room, and she cried. Delia lived in this poor little room, in New York, with her husband, James Dillingham Young. They also had a bedroom, and a kitchen and a bathroom – all poor little rooms. James Dillingham Young was lucky, because he had a job, but it was not a good job. These rooms took most of his money. Delia tried to find work, but times were bad, and there was no work for her. But when Mr. James Dillingham Young came home to his rooms, Mrs. James Dillingham Young called him 'Jim' and put her arms round him. And that was good. Delia stopped crying and she washed her face. She stood by the window, and looked out at a grey cat on ᴣ grey wall in the grey road. Tomorrow was Christmas Day, and she had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a Christmas present. Her Jim. She wanted very much to buy him something really fine, something to show how much she loved him. Suddenly, Delia turned round and ran over to look in the glass on the wall. Her eyes were bright. Now, the James Dillingham Young had two very special things. One was Jim's gold watch. It once belonged to his father, and, before that, to his grandfather. The other special thing was Delia's hair. Quickly, Delia let down her beautiful, long hair. It fell down her back, and it was almost like a coat around her. Then she put her hair up again, quickly. For a second or two she stood still, and cried a little. Then she put on her old brown coat, and her old brown hat, turned, and left the room. She went downstairs and out into the road, and her eyes were bright. She walked along by the shops, and stopped when she came to a door with 'Madame Eloise - Hair' on it.

Inside there was a fat woman. She did not look like an' Eloise'.

'Will you buy my hair?' Delia asked.

'I buy hair,' Madame replied. 'Take your hat off, then, and show me your hair.'

The beautiful brown hair fell down.

'Twenty dollars,' Madame said, and she touched the hair with her hand. 'Quick! Cut it off! Give me the money!' Delia said. The next two hours went quickly. Delia was happy because she was looking round the shops for Jim's present. At last she found it. It was a gold chain for The Watch. Jim loved his watch, but it had no chain. When Delia saw this gold chain, she knew immediately that it was right for Jim. She must have it. The shop took twenty-one dollars from her for it, and she hurried home with the eighty-seven cents. When she arrived there, she looked at her very shorthair in the glass. 'What can I do with it?' she thought. For the next half an hour she was very busy. Then she looked again in the glass. Her hair was now in very small curls all over her head. 'Oh, dear. I look like a schoolgirl!' she said to herself. 'What's Jim going to say when he sees me?'At seven o'clock the dinner was nearly ready and Delia was waiting. 'Oh, I hope he thinks that I'm still beautiful!' she thought. The door opened and Jim came in and closed it. He looked very thin and he needed a new coat. His eyes were on Delia. She could not understand the look on his face, and she was afraid. He was not angry or surprised. He just watched her, with that strange look on his face. Delia ran to him"


'Jim,' she cried. 'Don't look at me like that. I sold my hair because I wanted to give you a present. It will soon be long again. I had to do it, Jim. Say "Happy Christmas", please. I have a wonderful present for you!'

'You've cut off your hair?' asked Jim.

'Yes. I cut it off and sold it,' Delia said. 'But don't you love me any more, Jim? I'm still me. '

Jim looked round the room.

'You say your hair has gone?' he said, almost stupidly.

'Yes. I told you. Because I love you! Shall I get the dinner now, Jim?'

Suddenly Jim put his arms round his Delia. Then he took something from his pocket and put it on the table.

'I love you, Delia,' he said. 'It doesn't matter if your hair is short or long. But if you open that, you'll see why I was unhappy at first. 'Excited, Delia pulled off the paper. Then she gave a little scream of happiness. But a second later there were cries of unhappiness. Because there were The Combs _ the combs for her beautiful hair. When she first saw these combs in the shop window, she wanted them. They were beautiful combs, expensive combs, and now they were her combs. But she no longer had her hair!

Delia picked them up and held them. Her eyes were full of love.

'But my hair will soon be long again, Jim. '

And then Delia remembered. She jumped up and cried, 'Oh! Oh!' She ran to get Jim's beautiful present, and she held it out to him.

'Isn't it lovely, Jim? I looked everywhere for it. Now you'll want to look at your watch a hundred times aday. Give it to me! Give me your watch, Jim! Let's see it with its new chain. '

But Jim did not do this. He sat down, put his hands behind his head, and he smiled.

'Delia,' he said. 'Let's keep our presents for a time. They're so nice. You see, I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now, let's have dinner.'

And this was the story of two young people who were very much in love.

New Yorkers

نيويوركي ها

Short Stories

داستان هاي كوتاه

By O. Henry

نويسنده: او. هنري

The story of:

The Christmas Presents

داستان: هديه كريسمس

Translator: Sahar Barati

مترجم: سحر براتي

همه پولي كه داشت يك دلار و هشتاد و هفت سنت بود.هر روز وقتي كه به خريد مي رفت پول كمي خرج مي كرد. او ارزان ترين گوشت و سبزيجات را مي خريد و حتي وقتي كه خسته بود , هنوز در اطراف مغازه ها قدم مي زد تا ارزان ترين مواد غذايي را پيدا كند.هر يك سنتي را كه امكان داشت پس انداز مي كرد. دلا دوباره پول ها را شمرد, هيچ اشتباهي وجود نداشت, يك دلار و هشتاد و هفت سنت,كل پول همين بود. فردا كريسمس بود و هيچ كاري از دستش بر نمي آمد. فقط مي توانست بنشيند و گريه كند. بنابراين داخل اتاق كوچك و محقرشان نشست و گريه كرد. دلا در اين اتاق كوچك و فقيرانه در نيويورك با همسرش جيمز ديلينگهام يانگ زندگي مي كرد. آنها يك اتاق خواب, آشپزخانه و يك حمام داشتند. هر چند كه شغل جيمز خيلي خوب نبود,اما همين كه كه شغلي داشت, خوش شانس بود او بيشتر پولش را براي گرفتن اين خانه صرف كرده بود. دلا سعي كرد شغلي پيدا كند اما زمان مناسبي براي اين كار نبود و كاري براي دلا وجود نداشت. وقتي كه آقاي يانگ به خانه برمي گشت و به اتاقشان ميرفت دلا او را جيم صدا مي زد و دستانش را به دور او حلقه مي كرد و اين خيلي خوب بود.

گريه ي دلا تمام شد.اوصورتش را شست و كنار پنجره ايستاد و به گربه خاكستري اي كه روي ديوار در جاده خاكستري وجود داشت نگاه كرد. فردا روز كريسمس بود و و پولش براي خريد كادوي كريسمس فقط يك دلار و هشتاد و هفت سنت بود.كادويي براي جيم دوست داشتني او.

او مي خواست يك هديه خيلي خوب براي جيم بخرد, هديه اي كه ميزان عشقش به جيم را نشان بدهد. ناگهان دلا برگشت و به طرف آينه ا ي كه به ديوار نصب شده بود, دويد. چشمانش برقي زد. تا حالا جيمز يانگ دو چيز خاص در زندگي اش داشته كه يكي از آنها ساعت طلايي است كه هديه اي از طرف پدرش بود و قبل از آن هم مال پدر بزرگش بوده است و ديگري موهاي دلا. دلا به سرعت موهاي بلند و زيبايش را روي شانه هايش ريخت, بلندي آنها تا كمرش بود و شبيه يك كت بود كه دور تا دورش را مي گرفت. سپس موهايش را جمع كرد و به مدت يك يا دو ثانيه خشكش زد و اشكي ريخت. كت و كلاه قهوه اي و قديمي اش را پوشيد و اتاق را ترك كرد. از پله ها پايين آمد و به طرف خيابان رفت. در حالي كه چشمانش برق   مي زد , در امتداد مغازه ها پياده رفت و وقتي به آرايشگاه مادام الويس رسيد, داخل شد. داخل مغازه خانم چاقي بود كه شباهتي به مادام الويس نداشت.

دلا پرسيد: شما موهاي من رو مي خريد؟

مادام جواب داد: بله . كلاهت را بردار تا موهايت را ببينم .

_ موهاي قهوه اي و زيبايي پايين ريخت.

مادام دستي به موهاي دلا كشيد وگفت: بيست دلار مي خرمش.

دلا گفت :پس زودتر كوتاهش كنيد و پولش رو بهم بديد.

دو ساعت پيش رو براي دلا به سرعت گذشت. مغازه ها را براي خريد هديه نگاه مي كرد وخيلي خوشحال بود. بالاخره بعد از كلي جستجو چيزي را كه مي خواست پيدا كرد, آن هديه يك زنجير طلا براي ساعت جيم بود. جيم ساعتش را خيلي دوست داشت ,اما زنجيري نداشت.

وقتي كه دلا چشمش به زنجير طلا افتاد, فورا فهميد كه براي جيم مناسب است. بايد مي خريدش.

دلا آن زنجير را بيست و يك دلار از مغازه دار خريد و با هشتاد و هفت سنت باقي مانده به خانه برگشت. وقتي كه به خانه رسيد در آينه به موهاي خيلي كوتاهش نگاهي انداخت و با خودش فكري كرد كه با اين موهاي كوتاه چه كند. براي يك ساعت و نيم آينده سرش خيلي شلوغ بود. بعدا دوباره خودش را در آينه ديد ,حالا ديگر موهاي خيلي كوتاه و فرفري اي داشت و از آن موهاي بلند خبري نبود. به خودش گفت: آه عزيزم . شبيه به بچه مدرسه اي ها شدم. جيم وقتي منو ببينه چي بهم مي گه .

ساعت هفت بود و دلا تقريبا شام را آماده كرده بود و منتظر آمدن جيم بود. با خودش مي - گفت : اميدوارم هنوز براي جيم زيبا به نظر برسم .

در باز شد, جيم وارد اتاق شد و در را پشت سرش بست. او خيلي لاغر به نظر مي رسيد و به يك كت جديد احتياج داشت. چشمانش به دلا بود.دلا از ترسش نمي توانست به چشم هاي جيم نگاه كند. جيمز متعجب و يا عصباني به نظر نمي آمد, فقط با همان نگاه غريبش به صورت دلا نگاهي انداخت.

دلا به طرف او دويد و با گريه گفت: اين طوري بهم نگاه نكن . من موهام رو فروختم تا برات هديه بخرم. مجبور بودم اين كار رو بكنم. خواهش مي كنم بگو , كريسمس مبارك! من يه هديه عالي برات دارم.

جيم پرسيد: تو موهات رو فروختي؟

دلا گفت: آره , كوتاهشون كردم و فروختمشون. ديگه منو دوست نداري جيم؟ من همون دلام.

جيم به طرز احمقانه اي نگاهي به دور تا دور اتاق انداخت و گفت: تو ميگي كه موهات رو فروختي؟

_ آره بهت گفتم. چون خيلي دوستت دارم! جيم, حالا برم شام بيارم.

يكدفعه جيم دستانش را به دور دلاي عزيزش حلقه كرد و چيزي از جيبش بيرون آورد و روي ميز گذاشت و گفت: دوستت دارم دلا. مساله اي نيست كه موهات كوتاه و يا بلند باشه, اگه كادوي منو باز كني مي بيني كه چرا اولش ناراحت شدم.

_عاليه, دلا كادو را باز كرد و سپس از خوشحالي جيغ كوتاهي كشيد, اما يك ثانيه ي بعد گريه ناراحتي سر داد. هديه اش يك جفت شانه بود. شانه هايي براي آن موهاي زيبايش. وقتي براي اولين بار آن شانه ها را پشت ويترين مغازه ديده بود خيلي دوست داشت كه مال او باشند. آنها شانه ها ي زيبا و گرانقيمتي بودند و حالا متعلق به دلا بودند. اما اوديگر موهاي بلندي نداشت!

دلا آنها را كناري گذاشت . چشمانش پر از عشق بود.

_ موهام به زودي بلند مي شن جيم, ناراحت نباش.

يكدفعه دلا چيزي به خاطر آورد, از جا پريد و با اشك دويد تا كادوي زيباي جيم را بياورد و آنرا به طرف جيم جلو آورد.

_ قشنگ نيست جيم؟ من همه جا رو براي خريدنش گشتم. حالا ديگه مي توني صد بار در روز به ساعتت نگاه كني . بدش به من! ساعتت رو بده به من جيم! بزار با اين زنجير ببينمش.

اما جيم ساعتش را از جيبش بيرون نياورد. او نشست و دستانش را پشت سرش گذاشت و لبخندي زد و گفت:دلا! اجازه بده كادوها مون رو براي مدتي نگه داريم. اونها خيلي خوب اند. مي دوني من ساعتم رو فروختم تا با پولش برات شانه بخرم. حالا بيا شام بخوريم.

و اين داستاني در مورد دو جوان بود كه عاشق و دلباخته ي يكديگر بودند.


نويسنده : سحر براتي

این کاربر 2 مطلب منتشر شده دارد.


#1 سپیده شهبازی 1392-03-17 21:28
thanks Sahar for your choice

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