سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


Dificulties and problems in learning english

I think this is just something that comes with time, exposure and diligent desire to improve. If you lived in a English speaking country, it would be much easier, because every day, all day, you would be surrounded by western culture and influences. Sometimes I can’t understand some words , I read to explain a lot about where those words from, like people’s names, even I know their names in Persian, but it can also confuse me a while to make the whole sentence clear and sometimes even after those explanation ,I still got no clue. Grammar is a little bit hard for me, those tenses and Phrases! Way too  much to learn them And sometimes there is just a little bit difference between two phrases. Like, be made of, be made from, died of, died from....and others like, in, on, to, of, from

نويسنده : پروین زمانی اسکویی

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