چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


ترجمه داستان كوتاه THE MAN IN THE WEB

A. Mary was sitting near Big Sam. Next to her was her brother John; then James the fisherman and his little son Tom. Next to him was Uncle Dan, who sat with his back to the low stone wall with a pipe in his mouth.
He was an old man and he knew many stories. He could tell stories about horses that ran about the fields on three legs, about things that could be heard and not seen, and some that could be seen but not heard.
“Uncle, tell us a story,” said Mary.
“Do you want to hear about the horse with three legs?”
“No, not that one, Uncle . Tell us about the man in the web. Tell us about the spider man.”
Uncle Dan took his pipe out of his mouth and began his story.
B. “The spider man’s name is Anansi,” he said.
“He comes from far away. His home is in the forests of Africa. There they know all the stories about him. Sometimes he is a man and the good friend of Tiger and Lion and Monkey; but
when things go badly he becomes a spider safe in his web near the top of some old tree.”
“He is here too,” said John. “I saw him today in a room in the house. James wanted to catch him, but he got away.”
“Most of the time he gets away,” said Dan.
“Tiger was big and quick, but he could never catch Anansi. Monkey was very quick, but it was Anansi who helped him to get away from Tiger. Dog could think and jump quickly, but it was Anansi that helped the dog to get away from the man. Yes, Anansi is very quick. There are not many things he cannot do.”
“I like him,” said Mary. “I like what he does to all the others in the forest. When I see him in his web I know that he is not just a spider. I know that he is Anansi, the man in the web. So begin the story, Dan. We want very much to hear it before we go to bed.”
Dan took the pipe out of his mouth and began.
“Once upon a time – far, far away …”
A. Once upon a time there was a forest, and this forest was a home for Lion and Tiger and Monkey and Dog and many other beasts and birds.
When there was rain, the trees and the grass grew, and all who lived in the forest could find things to eat; but for a long time now there had been no rain. Day after day the sky was all blue. The sun was so hot that it burned the grass and it did not
grow any more. There was nothing to eat, and times were hard for all who lived in the forest.
Anansi could find no food for himself and his wife and his nine boys and girls. Each day he went out to look for food, and each day he came back without any.
At last there was a day when Anansi said, “I must do something. I do not want to go to bed without food. I cannot see my wife and boys and girls without food. I will go on a long journey. I may come to the place where the trees and the grass are not dead, and where there is food that we can eat. I must go.”
B. So Anansi set out. At first things were the same. There was no rain. The sky was blue, the grass was dead, and it was very hot. Anansi could not walk any more, for he had nothing to eat, so he sat at the foot of a big tree and went to sleep. When he awoke he saw a big cooking- pot in front of him.
“There must be some food in that pot,” he said; but when he went to the pot there was nothing in it.
Anansi was angry. “Ho! Old cooking-pot, what are you doing here?”
“Do not call me ‘pot’. That is not my name.”
Anansi thought, “What is this? Can this old pot speak?” And he said:
“What is your name if it is not pot?”
“My name is ‘Work-for-me-to-see’.”
“I have never heard this name before,” said Anansi, “but if that is your name, then ‘Work-for-me-to-see’: work and I will see you work.”
C. As he was speaking he saw smoke coming out of the pot, and he could smell good food. Soon the food was ready, and Anansi sat down to eat with his back to the tree. When he could eat no more he put one arm over the old pot and said:
“This is good. I do not have to walk any more. But I would like to know if the pot will do this again. If it will, I think I can eat some more.”
He took his arm away from the pot and said, “Work-for-me-to-see.”
He was very happy when the pot began to cook again. It was soon full of rich food. “Very good!” he said. “I must take you home to cook some food for my wife and my boys and girls. I will be very kind of you.
I will wash you so that you will soon be quite clean.”
“Do not wash me,” said the pot. “If you ever wash me I will not cook any more food for you.”
“Then I will never wash you,” said Anansi, “and I will hide you from my wife, for she is quick to wash anything that she sees.”
D. Anansi set out for home with the big old pot. The way back was not so long for him now, for he was full of food. When he got home there was no one in the house. He went in without making any noise. He hid the pot in the back room and then sat down to wait for his wife and his boys and girls.
When they came in they were all very glad to see him and to know that he had found a way of getting food for them. “But,” he said, “I cannot tell you where it comes from. I will bring it to you every morning from the little back room.”
Every morning there was a smell of cooking coming from the little back room, and then Anansi brought out very good food for his wife and his boys and girls.
They could not think where the food came from, and they did not like to ask Anansi; but one day one of the boys said, “Tomorrow I am going to look through the key-hole of the little back room and see how father gets the food.”
E. On the next morning he did this. Later in the day Anansi went out to speak to his friend Monkey; then the boy went to his mother and told her what he saw. “Father has an old pot, and he put his arm over it and said, ‘Work-for-me-to-see’, and then there was smoke, and soon the old pot was full of good food.”
The boys and girls were very glad to hear this, and they said they would like to have some food now. So their mother took them into the little back room. They looked about for the old
pot and soon they found it. Mrs. Anansi said, “Work-for-me-to-see”, and the pot was quickly full of good food. When they had eaten it Mrs. Anansi took the pot and washed it well. Then she put it back in the place where they found it.
Anansi came home; it was time to eat; he went into the little room alone and said to the old pot, “Work-for-me-to-see”. But there was no smell of food and no smoke came from the pot.
“Work-for-me-to-see”, said Anansi again. But there was still no food in the pot. It was quite cold and there was no smoke. Then Anansi said, “I must go the tree where this old pot was. I will tell the tree what bad pot this is.”
F. He set out, and went for day and another day. At last, on the day after that, he came to a big tree. He sat at the foot of the tree to see if there was an old pot. There was none. But far up, near the top of the tree, he could see a long whip.
“What is that whip doing there?” he said.
“Do not call me ‘whip’; it is not my name.”
Anansi did not know what to think. He said to himself: “I never heard a pot talk until I found the old pot near this tree; and I never heard a whip that could say, ‘Do not call me whip’.”
At last he said, “What must I call you then?”
“My name is ‘Work-for-me-to-see’.”
“Work-for-me-to-see”, said Anansi.
The whip hit him hard. It hit him many times. It was of no use to run or to jump over the wall into the field. The whip always came after him. There was only one thing for him to do. He went up into a tree and became a spider. The whip went up the tree after him but could not find him. It did not know that the spider near to him was Anansi, the man in the web.



مرد در تار
فيليپ شرلوك
1. مرد در تار
مري كنار سام بزرگ نشسته بود . كنار او برادرش جان بود ، سپس جيمز ماهيگير و پسر كوچكش تام . كنار او عمو دن بود ، كه بر ديوار كوتاه سنگي با يك پيپ در دهانش نشسته بود .
او مرد سالخورده اي بود و داستانهاي زيادي مي دانست. او ميتوانست داستانهايي بگويد درباره اسبهايي كه بر روي سه پا در دشتها ميدويدند ، درباره چيزهايي كه ميتوانستند شنيده بشوند ولي ديده
نميشدند ، و چيزهايي كه ديده ميشدند ولي شنيده نميشدند .
مري گفت : " عمو، براي ما يك قصه بگو . "
" ميخواهي درباره اسب سه پا بشنوي ؟ "
" نه ، اون نه ، عمو . برامون درباره مرد در تار بگو . برامون از مرد عنكبوتي بگو ."
عمو دن پيپش را از دهانش درآورد و قصه اش را شروع كرد .
او گفت : " نام مرد عنكبوتي آنانسي است .
" او از جايي دور مي آيد . خانه او در جن گلهاي آفريقا است . آنجا همه داستانهاي درباره او را ميدانند . بعضي وقتها او يك مرد است و دوست خوب ببرو شير و ميمون ، اما زمانيكه
شرايط بد باشد براي امنيت او تبديل به يك عنكبوت ميشود در تار خودش بر بالاي چند درخت قديمي . "
جان گفت : " او ايجا هم هست " . " من امروز او را در يك اتاق داخل خانه ديدم . جيمز ميخواست بگيردش ، اما او فرار كرد ."
دن گفت : " بيشتر اوقات او فرار ميكند . "
" ببر بزرگ و سريع بود ، اما هيچوقت نمي توانست آنانسي را بگيرد . ميمون خيلي سريع بود ، اما آنانسي بود كه هميشه به او كمك ميكرد تا از دست ببر فرار كند . سگ ميتوانست فكر كند و
به سرعت بپرد ، اما آنانسي بود كه به سگ كمك ميكرد تا از دست انسان فرار كند . ب له ، آنانسي بسيار سريع است . چيزهاي زيادي وجود ندارد كه او نتواند انجام بدهد ."
مري گفت : " من دوستش دارم . " " من كارهايي كه او براي ديگران در جنگل انجام ميدهد دوست دارم . زمانيكه من او را در تارش ديدم فهميدم كه او فقط يك عنكبوت نيست.
ميدانم كه او آنانسي است ، مرد در تار . بنابراين داستان رو شروع كن ، دن. ما خيلي زياد ميخواهيم قبل تز رفتن به رختخواب اونو بشنويم ."
دن پيپش را از دهانش برداشت و شروع كرد .
" روزي روزگاري – اون دور دورا ... ."
2. كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني !
روزي روزگاري جن گلي وجود داشت ، و اين جنگل يك خانه براي شير و ببر و ميمون و سگ و بسياري جاندار و پرنده ديگر بود .وقتي باران مي باريد ، درختان و علف ها رشد ميكردند ،
و همه كسانيكه در جنگل زندگي ميكردند مي توانستند چيزهايي براي خوردن پيدا كنند ، اما اكنون مدت زمان زيادي است كه باران نباريده بود . روزها پس از ديگري آسمان كاملا آبي بود .
آفتاب آنقدر داغ بود كه همه علف ها را ميسوزاند و ديگر رشد نميكردند . هيچ چيز براي خوردن بنود ، و زمان بسيار سختي براي همه كسانيكه در جنگل زندگي ميكردند بود .
آنانسي نمي توانست غذا براي خودش و همسرش و نه پس ر و دخترش پيدا كند . هر روز براي پيدا كردن غذا ميرفت ، و هر روز با دست خالي برمي گشت .
سرانجام يك روز آنانسي گفت ، " بايد كاري كنم . نميخواهم بدون خوردن غذا به رختخواب بروم . نمي توانم ببينم همسرم و پسرها و دخترها بدون غذا هستند . من به يك سفر طولاني
خواهم رفت . ممكن است به جايي بروم كه درختان و علف ها خشكيده نيستند ، و جاييكه غذا هست كه ما بخوريم . من بايد بروم . "
بنابراين آنانسي شروع كرد . ابتدا همه چيز مثل هم بود . باراني وجود نداشت . آسمان آبي بود ، علف ها خشكيده بودند ، و بسيار گرم بود . آنانسي ديگر نمي توانست راه برود ، براي اينكه
چيزي براي خوردن نداشت ، بنابراين در پاي يك درخت بزرگ نشست و به خواب رفت . زمانيكه بيدار شد يك ديگ غذاي بزرگ جلوي خودش ديد .
او گفت : " بايد مقداري غذا درآن ديگ باشد " ، اما وقتيكه به سراغ ديگ رفت هيچ چيزي در آن وجود نداشت .
آنانسي عصباني بود . " ها ! ديگ غذاي كهنه ، اينجا چه كار ميكني ؟ "
صدا نكن . آن اسم من نيست . " » ديگ « " مرا
آنانسي فكر كرد ، " اين چيست ؟ آيا اين ديگ كهنه مي تواند حرف بزند ؟ " و او گفت :
" اسم تو چيست اگر ديگ نيست ؟ "
است . " » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « " اسم من
: » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « آنانسي گفت : " من تا حالا چنين اسمي نشنيده ام " ، " اما اگر اسم تو اين است ، پس
كاركن تا من ببينم كه كار ميكني . "
به محض اينكه او صحبت ميكرد ديد كه دود از ديگ بيرون مي آيد ، و او ميتوانست غذاي خوب را ببويد . به زودي غذا آماده شد ، و آنانسي براي خوردن غذا در حاليكه پشتش به درخت
بود نشست . زمانيكه ديگر نمي توانست بخورد يك دستش را روي ديگ قديمي گذاشت و گفت :
" اين خوب است . ديگر مجبور نيستم راه بروم . اما دوست دارم بدانم كه آيا ديگ دوباره اين كار را انجام خواهد داد . اگر انجام داد ، فكر كنم بتوانم يك مقدار ديگر بخورم " . او
دستش را از ديگ برداشت و گفت ، " كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني ". او بسيار خوشحال شد وقتيكه ديگ دوباره شروع به پختن كرد . به زودي آن پر از غذاي چرب بود .
او گفت : " خيلي خوب ! " . " من بايد تو را به خانه ببرم تا براي همسرم و پسرها و دخترهايم مقداري غذا بپزي . خيلي لطف ميكني . من تو را خواهم شست تا خيلي زود كاملا تميز بشوي
. "
ديگ گفت : " مرا نشوي ". " اگر مرا بشويي ديگر براي تو غذا نخواهم پخت " .
آنانسي گفت : " پس از اين هيچوقت تو را نخواهم شست " ، " و من تو را از همسرم مخفي خواهم كرد ، براي اينكه او به سرعت هرچه را ميبيند مي شويد . "
آنانسي با ديگ قديمي بزرگ راهي خانه شد . حالا راه برگشت براي او طولاني نبود ، براي اينكه كلي غذا باهاش بود . وقتي كه او به خانه رسيد كسي در خانه نبود . او بدون سر و صدا وارد شد . او
ديگ را در اتاق پشتي مخفي كرد و به انتظار همسر و پسران و دخترانش نشست .
وقتي آنها آمدند همگي از ديدن او خوشحال شدند و ميدانستند كه او راهي براي بدست آوردن غذا براي آنها پيدا كرده است . " اما " ، او گفت : " من نميتوانم به شما بگويم كه غذا از كجا
مي آيد . هر روز صبح از اتاق كوچك پشتي براي شما آنرا خواهم آورد .".
هر روز صبح بوي غذا از اتاق كوچك پشتي مي آمد ، و سپس آنانسي براي همسر و پسرها و دخترهايش غذاي خيلي خوبي بيرون مي آورد .
آنها نمي توانستند بفهمند كه غذا از كجا آمده است ، و آنها دوست نداشتند كه از آنانسي سوال كنند ، اما يك روز يكي از پسرها گفت ، " فردا من ميروم از سوراخ كليد اتاق كوچك
پشتي ببينم كه پدر چگون غذا بدست مي آورد ."
صبح روز بعد او اين كار را انجام داد . بعدا در روز آنانسي براي صحبت با دوستش ميمون بيرون رفت ، سپس پسر پيش مادرش رفت و به او گفت كه چه ديده است . " پدر يك ديگ
سپس دود بلند شد ، و بزودي ديگ قديمي پر از غذاي خوب بود ." ، » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « ، قديمي دارد ، و او دستش را بر روي آن گذاشت و ميگويد
پسرها و دخترها خيلي از شنيدن اين خبر خوشحال شدند ، و گفتند كه الان دوست دارند مقداري غذا بخورند . بنابراين مادرشان آنها را به اتاق كوچك پشتي برد . آنها به دنبال ديگ
و ديگ خيلي زود از غداي خوب پر شد . وقتيكه آنها آن را خوردند خانم ، " » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « " : قديمي گشتند و خيلي زود آن را پيدا كردند . خانم آنانسي گفت
آنانسي ديگ را برداشت و خيلي خوب آنرا شست . سپس او ديگ را در جائي كه پيدا كرده بود گذاشت .
اما نه بوي غذا و نه دودي از ديگ وجود .» كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني «" ، آنانسي به خانه آمد ، زمان غذا خوردن بود ، او به تنهايي به اتاق كوچك رفت و به ديگ قديمي گفت
نداشت .
اما همچنان هيچ غذايي در ديگ نبود . آن همچنان سرد بود و دودي وجود نداشت . سپس آنانسي گفت ، " من بايد به ." » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « " : آنانسي دوباره گفت
سمت درختي كه اين ديگ قديمي آنجا قرار داشت بروم . به درخت خواهم گفت كه اين چه ديگ بدي است . "
او شروع كرد و براي يك روز و روز بعد رفت . سرانجام ، روز بعد از آن ، او به يك درخت بزرگ رسيد . او پاي درخت نشست تا ببيند شايد يك ديگ قديمي وجود داشته باشد .
هيچي وجود نداشت . اما دورتر در بالا ، نزديك نوك درخت ، او مي توانست يك شلاق بلندي را ببيند .
او گفت : " آن شلاق بلند اينجا چ كار ميكند ؟ "
صدا نكن ، اسم من اين نيست ." » شلاق « " مرا
آنانسي نمي دانست به چه فكر كند . او با خودش گفت : " من هيچوقت نشنيده بودم كه يك ديگ حرف بزند تا وقتيكه ديگ قديمي را كنار اين درخت پيدا كردم ، و هيچوقت
" ». مرا شلاق صدا نكن « ، نشنيدم يك شلاق بتواند بگويد
سرانجام او گفت ، " پس تو را چه بايد صدا كنم ؟ "
است . " » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « « " اسم من
" ، » كاركن – براي – من – تا – ببيني « " : آنانسي گفت
شلاق به شدت به او ضربه زد . آن چندين بار او را زد . چاره نبود جز دويدن و يا پريدن از روي ديوار بر روي زمين . شلاق اغلب او را دنبال ميكرد . فقط يك راه براي او وجود
داشت . او از يك درخت بالا رفت و به يك عنكبوت تبديل شد . شلاق به دنبالش بالاي درخت رفت اما نتوانست او را پيدا كند . او نميدانست كه عنكبوت ك نارش آنانسي
بود ، مرد در تار .
ترجه از : عليرضا طيراني
درس : كاربيني
استاد : سركار خانم شهبازي

نويسنده : عليرضا طيراني

این کاربر 2 مطلب منتشر شده دارد.

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