چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


karbini of Simultaneous Interpreting

باسمه تعالی

مرکز آموزش علمی – کاربردی فرهنگ و هنر 13 تهران
معاونت فرهنگی و دانشجویی
دفتر ارتباط با صنعت و کارآفرینی(هماورد مهارتی)
واحد 13تهران

الف)مشخصات کاربین:

نام :       Parham                                             نام خانوادگی:   nami fard Tehrani        

شماره دانشجویی:94138049600137                                     مقطع تحصیلی: B.I       رشته تحصیلی: Simultaneous Interpreting      


ب)مشاغل قابل احراز:

·         مشاغل مرتبط و همگون با رشته تحصیلی خود را نام ببرید؟:
1.conferences 2. Exhibitions 3.seminars 4.tourism-Interpreting/translation in the basis of economics, banks, ministries, private Institutes specially in the background of sport, Interpreting of Technical Certificates, Commercial and administrative, interpretation in the basis of cultural, sportive, art, mass media for interpret of general blogs, predicative, newspapers, the online interpreting of news agency, presence in all of communicative basis with the world specially in the backgrounds of the introduction of Islamic Revolution in the respects of politic, cultural, sportive, art and the refrain of interviews and speeches for the different positions-documentation.

·         رشته تحصیلی شما در محیط کار چه نقشی را ایفا میکند؟
Again this answer of question is related with the before question :
1.conferences 2. Exhibitions 3.seminars 4.tourism-Interpreting/translation in the basis of economics, banks, ministries, private Institutes specially in the background of sport, Interpreting of Technical Certificates, Commercial and administrative, interpretation in the basis of cultural, sportive, art, mass media for interpret of general blogs, predicative, newspapers, the online interpreting of news agency, presence in all of communicative basis with the world specially in the backgrounds of the introduction of Islamic Revolution in the respects of politic, cultural, sportive, art and the refrain of interviews and speeches for the different positions-documentation.

·         چه توانمندیهای شخصیتی و جسمی برای احراز شغل مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی شما متصور است؟
The present of interpreting services in the general basis and ability of Oral Communication- the present of professional communicative services; including of Simultaneous Interpreting of Religious, sportive, Industrial, Politic, Legal, Medical and Cultural, Art and Economic, Film, Audio and Video-the capability of events Analysis and present of standard solution-ability of planning in the workgroup-management and didactic of the people are under the patronage and transfer of Technical services, efficient communicative in the workplace, capability of Entrepreneurship and create of new business, HSE planning, the power of decision and finally high IQ and physical health, speed operation and full surround on the SL and Tl.

·         شغلهای مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی شما در خارج از کشور چه جایگاهی دارد؟

The full answer is down.

·         تاریخچه مشاغل مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی شما در ایران و جهان چگونه است؟

·         The full answer is down.

·         شرایط شغل های مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی خود را از لحاظ موارد زیر توضیح دهید:

1.سختی و پیچیدگی

2.قوانین و مقررات انجام کار

3.مباحث ایمنی و بهداشت

4.مباحث فرهنگی و اجتماعی (جاذبه و انگیزه های شغلی)

The  full answer is down.

·         شغلهای مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی شما در خارج از کشور چه جایگاهی دارد؟
Interpreting or interpretation is convert a concept from SL to TL orally. Which make distinct the interpreter from the Simultaneous Interpreting there is reality that interpreting uses from techniques compulsively with to settle in ir-repetition a tangible communicative environment and that the conclusion are sentences and expressions which not consider word-by-word translation. Interpreting /interpretation doesn't have time to change the expressions. To correct the sentences structures and chose different styles and observances the time is recency in some items. The only advantage that interpreting have it but the interpreter doesn't have it for use from the sub. Manage that reflected from the non-verbal items like hand movements and speaker's face. In the interpreting the speech that presented from that speaker doesn't transfer tangible identical and it shades in the time. That which to be left(over) is the concept's rules in the interpreter's brain. The speaker's physical movements, that forgive the clear measures and gives the best freedom of the speeches. That interpreter must in its work have the best brain and elegance that obtained interpretation will be without any defect and deficiency became there is no have time to re-correctly revision and restructuring. The interpreter must have the high creative power and can decide online.
The types of interpretation:
Now there are three types of interpretation in the international organizations specially in VN that are.
1. consecutive interpreting
In this interpretation, interpreter must re-creative that noted concepts or have them in its brain by the time distance after pause temporary of speaker's speech. This time distance can be equivalent of two or three sentences or in some items arrive in a few minutes. Whatever this time distance means the time speaker's speeches more longer, the represented the interpretation will completely. Moreover some of interpreters like the complete parts and more longer became will be improve some vague items.
2. Simultaneous interpreting
In this interpretation, the interpreter will be interpreting when the first person(speaker) speaks and the concepts of the sentences must change to the TL . this interpreting is more difficult than other interpretations.
3. Trans-interpreting
This is kind of Simultaneous Interpreting that interpretation reads the interpreted text going with the speeches but at the same time interpreter interprets well-timed if necessary the speaker adds expressions orally.
In accordance with that part, the definition came in the book "technique interpretation from "Samt" publication", the interpreting can be certain two kinds:
1. interpreting contemporaneous translations:
interpreting contemporaneous translations is the compressed process that is fast transfer of data(s) and info(s). The interpreter interprets this type that have fast action and corporeal ability and good IQ . moreover , complete knowledge on the TL and SL and conference subject. (ICT) often uses in sittings and international conferences or at the time of speeches contemporaneous broadcast and interview of important characters in radio and TV. There is another (ICT) that called "whispered interpreting" and this duration interpreter with new of two person or back of them, sits and interprets the speaker's subjects concurrently with the low voice from them. This way of interpretation is a little had for the audiences but it doesn't recommend except of some compulsively and transient items.
2. consecutive contemporaneous translation:
In this way of translation/interpretation with presence at conference's table or settle at the beside of special persons, at first that listen and then not( write down) on the paper(speeches) that time, try to correct its text to transfer the concept to the TL but the way with a pause exists between speaker's speeches and each interpreter can note(write down) in the different way. These notes are valuable when the interpreter interprets them at first in its brain and then write them. Consecutive contemporaneous translation uses between two important persons in the negotiations or consultative sessions and sittings of political, scientific ( theoretical ), technical and commercial.
نويسنده : پرهام نامی فرد طهرانی

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