سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


English 1

In January, 2005 an amazing picture appeared on newspaper front pages around the world. It was a photo of a man drifting in the middle of ocean .He was standing on a floating tree. The man, Rizal Shah Putra, was a survivor of the 2004Inddian ocean tsunami. He had spent eight days at sea.

در ژانويه 2005 تصويری عجيب رو صفحه اول روزنامه هاي سراسر جهان ظاهر گردید . اون يه عكسي از مردی شناور وسط اقيانوس که روي درختی شناور ايستاده بود.ان مرد ريزال شاه پوترا بازمانده سونامي 2004 اقيانوس هند بود. که 8 روز را در دریا سپری کرد.
Rizal was cleaning a mosque in Aceh, Indonesia , when the tsunami struck on December 26, 2004.Just before the tsunami destroyed his village , he says, he heard warning calls . But it was too late for him to run to higher ground .The huge waves swept him out to sea . He spent hours fighting the ranging water . Just as he was about give up , he saw a tree floating near him . He managed to reach it , and hold on . He held onto the tree for eight days . He said , he thought each day would be his last . He survived by drinking rainwater , and eating coconuts he found floating in the water . He cracked them open with a doorkno . On the eighth day , sailors on a passing ship saw him and rescued him . The strong currents from the tsunami had carried him almost 160 kilometers from shore.
ریزال مسجدی را درآسه اندونزی تمیز میکرد,هنگامیکه سونامی در 26 دسامبر2004 اتفاق افتاد , درست قبل از اینکه سونامی دهکده را خراب کرد . او هشدار را شنیده بود اما خیلی دیر شده بود که خود را به جای مرتفعی برساند موج عظیمی او را به دریا برد. او ساعت ها با امواج درگیربود. همان لحظه ای که نامید شده بود او یک درخت شناور نزدیک خودش دید. سعی کرد به این درخت برسد و بچسبد. او 8 روزدرخت را نگه داشت او میگفت فکر میکرد که هر روز روز آخرش باشد.او با خوردن اب باران و نارگیلی که در آب بود خود را نگه داشت . او نارگیل را با اجسام شناور در اب میشکند . روز هشتم ملوانان کشتی در حال گذر او را دیدند و نجات دادند. جریان قوی سونامی او را تقریبا 160 کیلو متر از ساحل دور برده بود.
The tsunami was one of the worst natural disasters in history. It affected many countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, and Tanzania. Over 250000 people were killed. Coastal areas were devastated. Thousands drowned in their homes or on beaches. Houses and land were destroyed. Over three million people lost their jobs. Million more become homeless.
ان سونامی یکی از بدترین بلایای طبیعی تاریخ بود. خیلی از کشور ها را شامل: اندونزی تایلند سریلانکا و هند را تحت تاثیر قرار داد. بیش از 250000 نفر کشته شدند. مناتق ساحلی ویران شده بودند و هزاران نفر در خانه هایشان و سواحل غرق شدند. خانه ها و زمین ها نابود شدند. بالغ برسه میلیون نفر شغلشان را از دست دادند ومیلیون ها نفر بی خانمان شدند.
The tsunami was caused by a huge earthquake under the Indian-ocean .The earthquake caused a huge wave, which moved across the ocean at the speed of a jet plane .When the tsunami struck land, the waves were up to 15 meter high.
ان سونامی به علت زمین لرزه ای بزرگ درزیر اقیانوس هند بود. و باعث موجی عظیم گردید که با سرعت هواپیمای جت به آنطرف اقیانوس حرکت کرد . موقعی که سونامی به شدت به خشکی برخورد کرد امواج تا 15 متر بالا رفتند.

Rizal came from one of the areas worst hit by the tsunami. He and his family lived in the Indonesian province of Aceh, at the tip of Sumatra. Rizal’s parents, brother, sister were all lost in the disaster. Whole towns and village in the area were destroyed. In some village more than 70 percent of the people died. The Asian Development Bank says that about 44 percent of the people in Aceh lost their jobs.
ریزال از یکی از بدترین مناطقی که دچار سونامی قرار گرفته بود امده بود. او و خانواده اش در استان آچه اندونزی بالای سوماترا زندگی می کردند. والدین ریزال – برادر و خواهر همگی در این فاجعه از دست رفتند. همه ی شهر ها و دهکده های ان اطراف نابود شدند. در بعضی از دهکده ها بیشتر از 70 درصد مردم مردند. بانک توصعه اسیا می گوید حدود 44 درصد مردم شغلشان را از دست دادند.
Rizal is rebuilding his life. In 2005, he decided to continue his studies at a university in Malaysia. He says he is now living his second life.
ریزال دارد دوباره زندگی اش را می سازد. در 2005 اون تصمیم گرفت تا مطالعاتش را در دانشگاهی در مالزی ادامه تحصیل بدهد. او گفت او حالا زندگی دوباره اش را ادامه می دهد.

Appear: (v)ظاهر شدن / پدیدار شدن

Drift: (n) جریان اهسته / جسم شناور / راندگی

Drift: (v) دست خوش پیشامد بودن / بی مقصد رفتن

Float: (n) جسم شناور روی اب /شناور

Float: (v) روی اب ایستادن /شناور شدن

Survivor: (n)  شخص زنده/بازمانده

Swept: (adj) پیچ دار/پیچ خورده/جاروب شده

Swept: (v) کج شده

Crack: (n) رخنه/شکاف/ترک

Crack: (v) ترکیدن/شکاف برداشتن

Affect: (n) اثر

Affect: (v) اثر کردن بر/تغییر دادن

amazing S2 /əˈmeɪzɪŋ / adjective

1GOOD/EXCELLENT very good, especially in an unexpected way: He’s an amazing player to watch. amazean amazing bargain

appear S2 W1 /əˈpɪə $ əˈpɪr/ verb

1seem [linking verb, not in progressive]SEEM used to say how something seems, especially from what you know about it or from what you can see

drift1 /drɪft/ verb [intransitive]

move slowly to move slowly on water or in the air

wave1 S3 W2 /weɪv/ noun

ea [countable] a line of raised water that moves across the surface of the sea:

wave2 S3 W3 verb

to raise your arm and move your hand from side to side in order to make someone notice youwave to/at

held /held/

the past tense and past participle of hold

struck1 /strʌk/

She seemed rather struck on Vincent.

huge S1 W2 /hjuːdʒ/ adjective

BIGextremely large in size, amount, or degree SYN enormous:

a huge dog

shore1 /ʃɔː $ ʃɔːr/ noun

the land along the edge of a large area of water such as an ocean or lake:

We could see a boat about a mile from shore.

drown /draʊn/ verb

to die from being under water for too long, or to kill someone in this way

Jane was drowned in the river.

province /ˈprɒvəns, ˈprɒvɪns $ ˈprɑː-/ noun

one of the large areas into which some countries are divided, and which usually has its own local government:

a Chinese province

disaster S3 W3 /dɪˈzɑːstə $ dɪˈzæstər/ noun

a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering

the economic consequences of the Chernobyl

tip1 S2 W3 /tɪp/ noun

end [countable]END/POINT the end of something, especially something pointed

He kissed the tip of her nose.

rebuild /riːˈbɪld/ verb (past tense and past participle rebuilt /-ˈbɪlt/) [transitive]

to build something again, after it has been damaged or destroyed:

The church was completely rebuilt in the last century.

doorknob /ˈdɔːnɒb $ ˈdɔːrnɑːb/ noun

a round handle that you turn to open a door

rescue1 S3 W3 /ˈreskjuː/ verb [transitive]

to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm:

Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.

rescue2 noun

SAVE/RESCUEwhen someone or something is rescued from danger:

a daring rescue at sea

نويسنده : آیلین جلیل مژدهی

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