چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


(geramer (zamanha

حال ساده سسس
: ( Simple present )

از زمان حال ساده برای بیان اعمالی که همیشه یا بعضی اوقات انجام می گیرد استفاده می کنیم
ساختار زمان حال ساده  :                                مصدر بدون  to قسمت اول فعل + فاعل
I / you / we / they         read / like / work / live / watch / do / have
He / she / It               reads / likes / works / lives / watchs / does / has
I work in an office. My brother works in a bank.
Ali lives in Canada. His parents live in the U.S.
ساختار حال ساده ( شکل منفی ) :     قسمت اول فعل + don’t / doesn’t  + فاعل
I / you / we / they        don’t ( do not )
                                                                                        work / like / do / have
He / she / it                doesn’t ( does not )
I don’t work hard.
He doesn’t like football.
ساختار حال ساده ( سئوالی ) :         قسمت اول فعل + فاعل + Do / does 
Do            I / you / we / they
                                                                                           Work / like / do ?
Does        She / he / it
Do you work on Saturdays ? 
Does Ali live near here ?
حال استمراری : (present continuous )
   I am doing
زمان حال استمراری برای بیان اعمالی به کار می رود که هم اکنون در حال انجام هستند                             ساختار زمان حال استمراری :+ ing        فعل + am / is / are + فاعل
I / you / we / they          am / are      
                                                       going / watching / eating / having
She / he / it                           is
She is eating breakfast .
I am working hard.
حال استمراری ( شکل منفی ) :
I / you / we / they          am / are
                                                                    not             going / watching / eating / having      
She / he / it                           is               
She is not reading .
They are not walking.
ساختار( سئوالی ) حال استمراری :
Are       you / we / they
                                                            going / watching / eating / having       ?
Is             She / he / it
Are you feeling OK ?
Is it raining ?
گذشته ساده : (simple past )منفی و سئوالی
Did  ,  did not      
برای ساختن گذشته ساده افعالی که با قاعده هستند به انتهای انها ed  اضافه می شود .
افعالی که به y  ختم می شوند وقتی که ed  می گیرند y  تبدیل به i می شود.
افعال بی قاعده ed  نمی گیرند بلکه شکل شان عوض می شود.
   I / you / we / they / she / he / it   +    played-started-watched-had-saw-went
They worked on Monday.
She enjoyed the party .
نحوه منفی کردن :                                   قسمت اول فعل + did not  + فاعل  
  I / you / we / they / she / he / it      did not       play-start-watch-have-see-go
She did not watch  tv yesterday .
We did not go to the post office .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :                               قسمت اول فعل + فاعل + Did
Did        I/ you / we / they / she / he / it         play-start-watched-have-see       ?
Did you watch tv last night ?
Did she come to the party ?
Did it rain on Sunday ?
گذشته استمراری : (past continuous )
I was doing                                                                                                        
نحوه ساخت گذشته استمراری :                 + ing قسمت اول فعل + was / were  + فاعل
I / he / she / it              was
We / you / they           were
She was plaing tennis .
They were living in Brazil .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / he / she / it            was not
We / you / they        were not 
He was not watching tv.
You were not working last night .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :                              
Was          I / he / she / it
                                                                          doing-watching-playing-running-living                ?
Were       We / you / they
Was she washing her car ?
Were you sitting on the grass ?
زمان حال کامل (ماضی نقلی ) : ( present perfect )
          I have done 
ماضی نقلی را برای بیان افعالی به کار می بریم که در گذشته انجام شده اند ولی اثر و نتیجه آنها تا زمان حال باقی است و به زمان حال ارتباط پیدا می کند .
طرز ساخت حال کامل :          قسمت سوم فعل + have / has  + فاعل
I / you / we / they          have
                                                                   Finished- done- played- lived-been-read
  He / she / it                     has              
I have played tennis.
She has lived in Mexico City.
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / you / we / they       have not
                                                                    Finished- done- played- lived-been-read
  He / she / it                  has not
We have not driven in U.S.A .
He has not read that book.
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
Have        I / you / we / they
                                                        Finished- done- played- lived-been-read         ?
Has              He / she / it
Have they finished their homework ?
زمان حال کامل استمراری  (present perfect continues):
I have been doing
طرز ساخت حال کامل استمراری :    ing  + قسمت اول فعل + have / has been  + فاعل
I / you / we / they        have        been
    He / she / it                has          been
I have been talking .
She has been working very hard .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / you / we / they        have     not      been
    He / she / it               has        not      been
We have not been looking for you .
He has not been  feeling well .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
Have        I / you / we / they       been
                                                               ding-waiting-playing          ?
Has                He / she / it             been
Have they been running?
Has  she been working ?
گذشته کامل ( ماضی بعید ) : ( past perfect )
I had done                                                                           
طرز ساخت گذشته کامل :            قسمت سوم فعل + had  + فاعل
I / you / we / they        had        
                                                              Gone- seen-finished-broken
    He / she / it                had
I had seen Maryam  in the party.
He had been flown .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / you / we / they
                                                had          not        Gone- seen-finished-broken
He / she / it
They had not cleaned home .
She had not seen her before .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
Had        I / you / we / they / he / she / it          Gone- seen-finished-broken      ?
Had we arrived at work in the morning ?
Had she got a phone call from him ?
گذشته کامل استمراری( past perfect continues ) :
I had been doing
از گذشته کامل استمراری برای بیان عملی استفاده می کنیم که قبل از وقوع فعلی دیگر برای مدت زمانی در حال رخ دادن بوده است .
طرز ساخت گذشته کامل استمراری :      فعل ing  دار + had been  + فاعل
I / you / we / they / he / she / it       had       been       doing–working-playing
You had been working hard all day .
He had been drinking coffee .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / you / we / they / he / she / it      had    not      been    doing–working-playing
They had not been fighting .
He had not been waiting .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
Had    I / you / we / they / he / she / it      been       doing–working-playing       ?
Had  you been playing ?
Had it been starting to rain ?
        I am goin to
طرز ساختآینده :      قسمت اول فعل + going to  +  am / is / are + فاعل
I  / We / you / they         am / are
                                                                    going to     do-drink-watch-buy
He / she / it                            is
She is going to watch tv tonight .
I am going to do something .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I  / We / you / they         am / are
                                                                  not going to     do-drink-watch-buy
He / she / it                            is
We are not going to travel by train .
He is not going to cross the street .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
Am / Are       I  / We / you / they
                                                                    going to     do-drink-watch-buy            ?
Is                        He / she / it
Are you going to play football ?
Is she goin to wash the dishes ?
طرز ساخت  :                    قسمت اول فعل + will + فاعل
I  / We / you / they               
              Will                   Be – win – eat - com                     
    He / she / it                                                                        
We will go out tonight .
It will rain this afternoon .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I  / We / you / they               
           Will not                  Be – win – eat - com                     
    He / she / it                                                                        
We will not eat lunch .
She will not stay long .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
                     I / you / we / they
Will                                                                 Be – win – eat - com          ?                    
                          He / she / it
Will they go to the cinema ?
Will he play tennis ?
           May , Might
طرز ساخت  :                قسمت اول فعل + may / might  + فاعل                         
I / you / we / they / he / she / it      may / might           be-go-play-come
We may come to the party .
She might call this afternoon .
نحوه منفی کردن :
I / you / we / they / he / she / it      may / might     not       be-go-play-come
You might not go to thr cinema .
He might not play tennis tomorrow .
نحوه سئوالی کردن :
May / Might        I / you / we / they / he / she / it      be-go-play-come        ?
May  I go to the park ?
Might she wash the dishes ?
زمان ها
نويسنده : سامره نیک آمال

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