سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


What is an inbound tour operator

What is an inbound tour operator?

An inbound tour operator is simply a company that makes travel arrangements for arriving tourists. These can include hotel reservations, tours of the area, airport transfers, meals, or other things. Incoming tour operators purchase tourism services in their own countries and package them into products that are subsequently marketed abroad by partners. Some incoming tour operators also play an essential complementary role to that of the outgoing tour operator by providing a range of optional services at destination, such as passenger transfers, tours, sports activities, special visits, etc.

Arg-e-jadid is one of the greatest inbound tour operator in Iran and it offers reliable and valuable services to its clients.

How to Start a Tour Operating Company

People looking for adventure and excitement will gladly pay to experience something unique while on vacation. Starting a tour operating company can be your way to see new things and make money at the same time. Whether you want to travel the world or just show people around your own town, a few steps are all it takes for you to be open for business

Decide what type of tours you will provide. Will they be theme-based, like romance, family, senior or sightseeing  Will you take them internationally or stay local

Write your business plan. This will help with financing and aid you in determining the feasibility of different tour possibilities. It also serves as a blueprint to help keep your business on track as it grows

Obtain a business license from your local government office. Research any local or state certifications and permits you may require to operate a tour company. Research insurance options and whether to incorporate to minimize personal liability

Hire how many employees will be necessary to conduct your tours safely and efficiently. If you will travel as part of your business, hire experienced tour guides

Make contact with tour bus operators, hotels, and other tour-related businesses and establish relationships to get group rates when you use their services

Promote your tour company. Create a website to show details of different tours. Offer a free newsletter or report in exchange for email addresses to build a list for future email marketing. Hire a marketing agency that specializes in online marketing to drive targeted traffic to your website. Also hand out fliers and brochures in your geographical area


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 اپراتورتورهای ورودی چیست

تورهای ورودی درواقع یک کمپانی است که مقدمات سفررابرای ورودتوریست ترتیب می دهد،شامل رزرو هتل ،گشت درمنطقه ،ترانسفرفرودگاهی ،تهیه غذا وچیزهای دیگر

این اپراتورها سرویسهای گردشگری را ازکشورهاشون میخرندوپکیج محصولات خودشان رامتعاقبا به وسیله همکارانشان به بازارهای خارجی عرضه می کنند ،اپراتورتورهای ورودی نقش مکمل ضروری رابرای اپراتورهای تورخروجی بازی میکنندکه  طیف وسیعی ازخدمات اختیاری درمقصدرامانندنقل وانتقالات مسافر،گشتها،فعالیت های ورزشی ،بازدیدهای ویژه وغیره راارائه میدهند

چطوریک کمپانی تور شروع به کار میکند

مردم به دنبال ماجراجویی وهیجان باخوشحالی به تجربه چیزهای منحصربه فرددرحالی که درتعطیلاتند می پردازند،شروع کاریک شرکت توریستی می تواندراهی باشدبرای شما برای دیدن چیزهای جدیدوپول درآوردن درهمان وقت ،اینکه شمامی خواهیدسفرکنیدبه دنیایافقطاطراف شهرخودتان رابه مردم نشان بدهید،چندقدم بیشترراه برای کسب وکارشما بازمیشه  تصمیم بگیریدچه نوع توری می خواهیدفراهم کنیدآیاانهامبتنی برعشق خانواده یاگشت وگذاراست

نويسنده : منیژه مشهدی نوراله

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