سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403



Curse on the enemies of

Mohammad's progenies

Subject: Teaching Method                                           درس: کاربینی

Teacher: Mr's Shahbazi                                               استاد شهبازی

Frist term                                                                     

Hamid Reza Soltanifar

Linguistic is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories or sub field of study: language form meaning and language in context the earliest known activities in descriptive linguistic have been attributed to paniniaround 500 BCE with his analysis of Sanskrit in Ashtadhyayi.

The first subfield to linguistics is the study of language structure or grammer this foouses on the system of rules followed by the user of a language it in cludes the study of morphology the formation and composition of words syntax the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words and phonology sounds systems phonetics is arelated braneh of linguistics concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds and non speech sounds and how they are produced and perceived.

The study of language meaning is concerned with how languages employ logical stractures and real world references to convey process and assign meaning as woll as to manage and resolve ambiguity this category includes the study of semantics how meaning is inferred from words and concepts and pragmatics how meaning is inferred from context.

Linguistics also looks at the broader context in which language is influenced by social cultural historical and political factors this included the study of evolutionary tinguistics which investigates into questions related to the origins and growth of languages historical linwstics which explores language change socioliguistics which looks at the relation between lingwistic variation and social structures psycholinguistics which explores the representation and function of language in the mind neurolinguistics which looks at language processing in the brain language acquisition on how children or adults agguire language and discourse analysis which involves the structure of texts and converstion.

Terminology before the zoth century the tem philology first attested in 1716 was commonly used to refer to the science of language which was then predominantly historical infocus since Ferdinand de saussure's in sistence an the importance of synchronic analysis however this focus has shifted and the term philology is now generally used for the study of a languages grammer history and literary tradition especially in the united states where it was never as popular as it was else where in the sence ot the science of language .

Al though the term linguist in the sence of a student of language dates from 1641 the term linguistics is first attested in 1847 it is now the usual academic term in English for the scientific study of language the term linguist applies within the field to someone who studies language or specific languages out side the field this term is commonly used to refer to people who speak many languages fluently.

Cognitive linguistics in the 1970s and 1980 anew school at thenght known as cognitive linguistics emerged as a reaction to generativist theory led by theorists such as Ronald langacker and George lakoff linguistis working with in the realm of rognitive linguistics propose that language is an emergent property of basic general purpose cognitive processes in contrast to the generativist school of linguistics cognitive linguistics is non modularist and funetionalist in character important developments ineognitive linguistics cognitive grameframe semantics and conceptual mefaphor all of which are based on the idea that form function correspondences based on representations devived from embodied experience constitute the basio units of language.

Cognitive linguistics interprets language in term of the concepts sth universal sth specific to aparticular tongue which underlie its forms it is thus closely associated specific is an autonomous linguistic faculty in the mind, it understands grammar in terms of conceptualization and it claims that knowledge of language use. Because of its conviction that knowledge of language is learned through use cognitive linguistics is sometimes considered to be a functional approach but is differs from other functional approaches in that it is primarily concerned with how the mind creates meaning through language and not with the use of language as a tool of communication.

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