سه شنبه, 02 مرداد 1403


Observe an english class

First of all when i enter the class, students were sitting and talking toghether. .After a minutes their teacher came with full of energy and in a high voice said "hello everyone" also they had some greeting with each other. then they started with this sentenses What is news???

Everyone should said something and they discussed about interesting news it took time.the one thing was interesting to me was that what ever they heard they showed  their reaction including laughing,surprising or also become sad of course they should.

Teacher started to teach their book that the first part was listening.They should wrote script at home and then they checked it toghether.In my idea it is a good way that improve our listening part bcause they guess some other word,but it was someting els and also in grammatical point they should pay attetion to sentenses and tens of story and ansewer to some question that they had in their book.

After that they had grammar part and their teacher thought in the best way.F

or example their grammar was abput future or past,she gave them a subject and she wants them to talk about it and she wrote their sentenses on the board.After they finished their discussion,she started to xplain and correct their sentenses. They understand easily because she corrected and they did their exercises and asked some question  frome teacher.


At last they had free discussion,their teacher said a subject last station and tehy started to discussion in this waythey learn lots of new words.

نويسنده : الهام فرجی

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