چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403



To me if a university is to train English-major graduates it should definitely have enough skilled instructors and the best equipment such as, PCs, TVs, latest movies, speakers etc. in order for the students to learn as much as possible

During their studies all the students should share their experience to learn the most they can

Everyone knows that many universities want to do their best to have proficient polite worthy students, but only a few of them manage to do this


Therefore, what should they do to compensate for this shortcoming? They should consider having good management, experienced programmers and other resources: as you know team work has proved to result in optimal sequences

Although all the chancellors wish to have efficient universities, they fail to employ good experts to handle things for them and, as a result, new problems arise and they are not equipped for them


We should analyse the problems on hand to find sufficient solutions for them

We should gather the staff and the students’ views to solve the problems. If so, a good bed can be prepared to help us to walk on the correct path to good education


I wish the university authorities the best in their effort to improve the situation



Best regards



نويسنده : حسین محمودی شایسته

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