چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


The Secend News on Seminar


In The Name Of God
The Secend News on Seminar (Mrs.Raja)

Three classes have been observed while giving lectures on the assigned poems.

The students were asked to speak about their views on those poems discussed last week.

Whatever done in my classes have been recorded in pictures, voices, and videos.

Out of those three poems, I love "TO LOCASTA," a poem on the sacred defense.
Since my own husband's bother and father are martyrs, I think such a poem can be a kind of respect to all the families who have lost their children, fathers and brother in the war 24 years ago.

One of the students who went to the war has given one of the best lectures in the class held on Fridays. His name is Mr. Golshahi, and he has been chosen as one the fixed members of the seminar.
The theme of this poem focuses on a choice which is a combination of love and duty to our homeland which is directly related to our devotion to our family as well, and it has been pictured in words in the best way by Mr. Golshahi.

The other poem which is picturing human life in general is called "The Road Not Taken." This poem has been discussed by girls and boys both on Monday and Friday, and some of the girls have been chosen to speak about it. The theme of this poem tells us, "Life is too short, so it's impossible to experience everything, and we need to make the choices whenever we have a dilemma in a way that if we look back to imagine ourselves in the same situation with the same level of knowledge, we come up with the conclusion that we made the best choice at that time in our life, as a result we'll give no space to be regretful in our future life.

"Fire and Ice" is the other poem which is a combination of two opposite views on the ending of the earth's life. According to the poet, Robert Frost, the world will be decayed in the desire and fire for hatred, power, money, kingdom, etc.

What was really important to me throughout those lectures was the student’s self-confidence and their fluency in giving a natural account on what has been presented by myself during the last Three weeks.

Some of the students have a lot of stress, but the others were relaxed and tried to do their best to be chosen.

Needless to say it has been too difficult to have such a task, but I'd like to thank those students who tried to have their best "demo."

This report has been prepared by Pantea Raja, who had been teaching at Azad and Applied-Scientific universities since 1383 and translating political and religious documentaries for SAHAR TV since 1386.

Wishing to have one of the best ever held seminars in English,
Pantea Raja.