چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


The second report on English simultaneous translation madual 2


Two poems by Robert Frost and one poem by Richard Lovelace were analyzed and defined for preparing students for the seminar.

Some say the world will end in fire, 
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,  
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Any good Robert Frost poetry analysis begins with gathering data. The poem analysis of "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost has led to the following observations and queries.

  1. As the title implies, "Fire and Ice" is a poem of contrasts, a poem of extremes.
  2. Ice = hatred; fire = desire; a more accurate word for desire would be lust, which is often associated with fire; the problem is lust doesn't rhyme with fire.
  3. Fire and ice appear in the title and are repeated twice in the poem. They form the central concrete images in the poem.
  4. The rhyme scheme a b aa b c b c b divides the poem into proper sections while linking the two. Line five is a pivot (similar to what you'd see in a Spenserian stanza).
  5.  Meter - Mostly iambic tetrameter with a few lines of iambic duometer. The content of the poem seems ill suited for the quicker paced, faster flowing tetrameter.
  6. "Favor fire" (4) is alliterative.
  7. The entire poem is an example of meiosis, or understatement. Specific examples of meiosis can be found in lines 7-9. The casual reference to dying twice, knowing hate, tasting desire, and other understatements underlie the poem's speaker's call for moderation.
  8. The happy rhythm of the poem belies the underlying message of destruction.
  9. Theme: the dangers of extremism.

"Fire and Ice" Paragraph Analysis

After the data is gathered, you're ready to write the paragraph. Following is a sample analysis paragraph. Feel free to disagree with my interpretation.

Poetic form and structure often enhance a poem's theme or meaning. Frost's ironic use of meter and rhythm in "Fire and Ice" underlies his hidden theme that moderation is the world's salvation. Frost uses two extremes, fire and ice, as the poem's controlling images, images which symbolize the two extremes of lust and hate. These two extremes, he expostulates, will eventually destroy the world. The rhythm and meter of the poem and the use of meiosis offer an alternative to extremism--moderation--and provides a solution to the world's impending doom. Frost chooses the fast-flowing, less serious iambic tetrameter mixed with iambic duometer over the more serious, slower-moving iambic pentameter as a framework for his understated theme of the world's destruction and potential salvation, a meter that brings to the forefront his use of meiosis: he casually states "I hold with those who favor fire" (4), and "for destruction ice / Is also great / and would suffice" (7-9) to comment on cataclysmic events. Although his poetic form contrasts the overt theme of the poem, it underscores its underlying meaning.

Summary:Fire and Ice is a poem from Robert Frost where the speaker talks about his feelings about the end of the Earth in either a firey or icy demise


The speaker - Speaks of the end of the Earth in fire or ice and shows his simplicity of wit and lackluster care for the outcome

Section 1:

  • The speaker says that there are two sides of how the earth will end, those who say with ice and those who say with fire
  • The speaker says that with his experience with "desire" he would support those who would choose a fire demise of the Earth
  • The speaker says that if he went through death "twice", that is to say that he already experienced the Earth ending by fire, he would also know enough of "hate" "to say that for destruction ice is also great"
  • The speaker says, therefore, that it is true that the end of the Earth could come from either form of finish
  • The speaker does not really care which way the Earth would end.

Part two: The road not taken by Robert frost

"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a poem that is often to simply interpreted by readers. The poem speaks of a common scenario in life. A traveler has come to a crossroads and is forced to make a choice on which "road", or path of life, he wants to choose. Both paths are inspected equally, and the traveler makes a choice and continues down the road. The common interpretation is that the author is happy with his choice. He decides to choose the road less traveled, and for that reason he is able to say "with a sigh" in his old age that he has chose the correct road, and that it has changed his life for the better. The decision he has made has paid off, he is not just a regular joe, he has lived an adventure by choosing the less traveled road. Upon closer reading, it appears the author doesn't know what the best road is, and is merely trying to convince others that the road he chose is best.

This first stanza is generally interpreted as a person coming to an important event in their life, some life changing moment that requires deep thought. From the line "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" it springs to mind an event of some magnitude. However, the author does not point out that this event is of any great significance. Everyday we are faced with a simple diverging of roads in our lives and we make a choice, whether it is which road to take to work or what to wear. Most of us make the best choice we can and move on. In this poem, the traveler is seemingly unable to make these simple choices and becomes stuck looking at every decision with fear: "And sorry I could not travel both/And be one traveler, long I stood". Things that most people would decide with ease he obsesses over. Unable to make a decision, he stands frozen at the split in the road.

The second stanza reinforces the ideas brought forth in the first stanza. The traveler decides to take one of the roads "because it was grassy and wanted wear". The common interpretation is that this means he chose the road less traveled. After careful inspection into his life changing event, he has come to the conclusion that he wants his life to be different, and so has chosen the road not many have traveled down. If this were the only line in the stanza, it would be easily interpreted this way. The problems with this interpretation are the very next lines: "Those as for that the passing there/Had worn them really about the same". The traveler realizes that upon a second look, the two paths were really not all that different. He was just tricking himself into believing they were different, but apart from minor differences, they were about the same. The reason he is having trouble making the decision is not because it is life changing, it is that he just cannot seem to believe in his choices.

In the third stanza we see that he continues to have doubt in his decision and says "Oh! I kept the first for another day". The irony Frost intended for the reader to see was that he has no way to go back. He has already taken on the road, and "...knowing how way leads on to way,/[he] doubted if [he] should ever come back". He knows that the first path will lead to another path, that will lead to yet another path, and that he has no way to find his way back to that first split in the road. Still, he can't help but think 'what if?'. Not only was he frozen at the beginning of the road, now he is on the road of his choice and he is still preoccupied with "the road not taken". Once again, in the first line of the third stanza, he has admitted again that "... both that morning equally lay", but the situation still doesn't seem quite in his realm of understanding. 

The common interpretation of the fourth stanza is that the man in the story is looking into the future and looking back on how happy he is that he took the road less traveled. The first clue to the true meaning of the stanza is the "sigh". Some view this as a sigh of relief, or a sigh of happiness. Frost wants the reader to know that the upcoming lines, the bit about the road less traveled, will be nothing more then an inflated story used by himself as an old man. Just as many others do, he will look back and tell others that he took the road less traveled, and his life is that much better for it. But this will be nothing more then.


Tell me not (Sweet) I am unkind,
That from the nunnery
Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind
To war and arms I fly.

True, a new mistress now I chase,
The first foe in the field;
And with a stronger faith embrace
A sword, a horse, a shield.

Yet this inconstancy is such
As you too shall adore;
I could not love thee (Dear) so much,
Lov'd I not Honour more.


This poem has been taught to the students for the seminar. It's a perfect example of the soldiers leaving their family to go to the wars for the sake of their duty to their homeland.

The universal theme of duty and love has been pictured in this poem.

If the soldier doesn't love his homeland, he's unable to love his family.

We need to remember all those soldiers from Iran having lost their lives for the sake of Iran and Islam. The students have learned how to speak in English about the SACRED DEFENCE in our own country as well. Reminding the audiences of the martyrs is one of our goals in the seminar to be sure that we never forget how to lose our life for the sake of Islam and our homeland.

Leading Committee


Mr. Hossein Lavasani


Mr Golshahi


External Affair Committee


Ms. Lorni


Ms. Golparvar


Ms. Heidari


Community Development


Mr. Poormohebi


Mr. Mohajer

Assessment Committee



Mr. Esfandyari



Mr. Mohammadi