چهارشنبه, 13 تیر 1403


English Seminar Report For Students of Simultaneous Translation Module 2



1. Introduction

The seminar was organized as a joint initiative program for University English Studies. It’s aimed at both university students and graduates in all English majors with the purpose of helping participants for better understanding of English texts in order to help them to  express their ideas and thoughts more clearly and consequently help them to play a role in bridging divides between teachers and students. Also there is a great need for English students who generally lack good academic English skills.

2. Purpose

The Two-hour intensive seminar is open to university students and graduates who have an advanced level of English and want to improve their academic English skills.


3. Publicity

The following text was viewed in a report in Applied Scientific University branch no.13 and send to all students. This report will also be distributed among all the teachers at University.

English Seminar

Center for English Translation students

September 11, 2013

This 2 hour intensive seminar is open to university students and graduates who have advanced knowledge of English and want to improve their academic English Skills.


Seminar will consist of:

$1                        A speech followed by the honorable principal of Applied and Scientific University Branch no.13, Dr. Ali. Javidmehr.

$1                        Individual or collaborative works  by the students on the subject of the seminar

$1                        Small group collaboration and discussion on poems  and performance of the play

4. Respondents

Around 160 students responded to the announcement. Applicants mainly consisted of university students from the Applied and Scientific University.


5. Selection procedure of participants

The selection process was based on abilities of the participants. The main selection criterion assessed were the level of English students, the reasons for the students' interests in the seminar, and the connection between teachers and students. The need for academic English was also considered as part of the selection process.

Finally, 18-25 participants were chosen for the seminar. The number was limited by the number of the available students. The participants included representatives from the all Initiative students.


6. Program

The program was structured to give participants the chance to have the educational seminars and then time in smaller groups to consolidate what they had learned in the seminars. At the beginning of the program they have been told to produce a report paper on seminar at the end of the seminar, which can fulfill all of the academic criteria they had learnt throughout the program this summer .


6.1 Seminar Schedule

Wednesday September 11, 2013

Opening: the introduction to seminar sections  by the speaker


Part 1:  A speech given by Dr. Javidmehr (the principal of Applied and Scientific University Branch no.13)


Part 2: Elaboration of two poems:

$1a.      Fire and Ice                                        by Robert Frost

  1. The road not taken                             by Robert Frost
  2. To Locasta, Going to the Wars          by Richard Lovelace

Part 3: Performance of the play:

The Brute by Anton Chekhov


Part 4: gratitude of the teachers and students


7. Student Participation during the seminar

8. Instructors:

Instructors and their backgrounds:

--Sepideh Shahbazi

Ms. Sepideh Shahbazi has a Master Degree in English Literature and has been teaching at Islamic Azad and Applied Scientific Universities


--Pantea Raja

Mr. Pantea Raja has a Master Degree in English Literature and has beenteaching in Islamic Azad and Applied Scientific Universities.


Seminar Report

9. Student Evaluations

9.1 Evaluation Form

An evaluation form will be sent to the participants on the same day that the course finished. The form asks the students’opinions on the course, and the papers will be handed  anonymously.


9.2 Summary of the students’ evaluations

The following information summarizes the information gathered from the evaluation forms.

1. The content of this seminar was valuable and well-organized.

Strongly agree : 80%

Agree : 20%

Disagree : 0

Strongly disagree : 0

2. The presentation of seminar instructors was well-prepared and responsive .


Strongly agree : 80%

Agree : 20%

Disagree : 0

Strongly disagree : 0

3. Interacting with other participants made the seminar more valuable.

Strongly agree : 100%

Agree : 0

Disagree : 0

Strongly disagree : 0

4. Lectures on the poems were appropriately balanced with collaborated work and

group discussion.

Strongly agree : 80%

Agree : 20%

Disagree : 0

Strongly disagree : 0

5. The handouts of this seminar were clear and useful.

Strongly agree : 60%

Agree : 20%

Disagree : 20%

Strongly disagree : 0

6. Overall, their English skills are improved by participating in this seminar.

Strongly agree : 60%

Agree : 20%

Disagree : 20%

Strongly disagree : 0

7. We would recommend this seminar to others.

Strongly agree : 60%

Agree : 40%

Disagree : 0

Strongly disagree : 0

Participants are also asked what elements of the course they would find most beneficial. The following represents some of the would-be responses:

"The seminar effectively helped me in being able to observe an English seminar directly without any then translate, as far as I've been aware of English techniques. I benefited from all the presentations provided. It's really useful to know how to perform a seminar in English,. Many things I learnt, indeed: how to read poetry, to analyze a poem, to perform a drama and retell my memory in English.

"The seminar was very useful to me in knowing the style of presentation of a seminar in English.

"It gave me an insight to participate in more seminars; I was introduced to a new dimension that I didn’t notice before."

"The material being taught by different instructors is very beneficial.

Participants are also asked about what they believe that could be improved in the seminar.

$1                        "To ask learners to tell about their expectations. It helps in exploring more what they need and then adjust the program to meet their needs.

$1                        To tell learners the benefits they will get by attending the seminar. It could be done in the orientation session by the director of teachers.

$1                        To dedicate some time to teach the most common mistakes in the class with practical examples. (Even regarding grammar or in using vocabulary)."


10. Recommendations for future seminars

$11.      Future seminars should be introduced as an academic English course in order to select participants with a sufficient knowledge of the English language.

$12.      Some of those who responded to the advert and wanted to attend did not receive the information about the seminar despite their earlier contact with the office. Participants should be obliged to send a confirmation note to ensure their place on the course.

$13.      The lecture room needs to be better prepared and equipped.

$14.      Participants should be given clear instructions on how to get to the seminar.

$15.      Commitment is important.

$16.      Future seminars could be structured differently, for example one day a week over the course of a month. In that way participants would have more time to work and to assimilate the knowledge they have learned.

$17.      A follow-up-course could be offered to students to give them a chance to ask any final questions and receive feedback on their work from instructors.

Appendix A-Student evaluation form

Please take a minute to fill out this evaluation form. Your responses will be used to aid in the development of future seminars. Thank you.

Please express your level of agreement by ticking a box in the table below. Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

1. The content of this seminar was valuable and well-organized.

2. The presentation of seminar instructors was well-prepared and responsive to my learning needs and interest.

3. Interacting with other participants made the seminar more valuable.

4. Lectures on the subjects were appropriately balanced with collaborated work and group discussion.

5. The handouts of this seminar were clear and useful.

6. Overall, my English skills are improved by participating in this seminar.

7. I would recommend this seminar to others.



گزارش سمینار انگلیسی دانشجویان مترجمی همزمان پودمان 2
مقدمه :
این سمینار به عنوان یک برنامه برای مطالعات انگلیسی دانشگاه تدارک دیده شده است. هدف این سمینار این است که دانشجویان زبان دانشگاه و فارغ التحصیلان زبان انگلیسی متون انگلیسی را بهتر درک کنند و در بیان افکار و عقایدشان آمادگی بیشتری داشته باشند. این دوره همچنین به آنها کمک می کند که نقش مهمی را در رشته خود ایفا نماید . این دوره با هدف کمک به دانشجویان برای بالا بردن سطح علمی و دانشگاهی به صورت سمینار ارائه می شود.
هدف : سمینار 2 ساعته زبان انگلیسی برای همه دانشجویان دانشگاه و فارغ التحصیلانی که از سطح انگلیسی بالائی برخوردار هستند و برای اینکه بتوانند مهارت های انگلیسی و دانشگاهی خود را بهبود ببخشند طراحی شده است.
3) تبلیغات : متن زیر در گزارشی دردانشگاه علمی و کاربردی واحد 13 سایت خبری برای همه دانشجویان قابل دسترس است . این گزارش همچنین به ایمیل مدرسان ارسال می گردد.
سمینار انگلیسی
مرکزی برای دانشجویان مترجمی همزمان زبان انگلیسی
11 سپتامبر 2013
این سمینار از بخش های زیر تشکیل شده است :
1. سخنرانی توسط ریاست محترم دانشگاه جامع علمی – کاربردی دکتر علی جاوید مهر
2. کار گروهی توسط دانشجویان بر اساس موضوعات سمینار
3. همکاری گروه ها و تجزیه و تحلیل اشعار انگلیسی و اجرای نمایشنامه
از مهمترین بخش های این سمینار می باشد.
4. پاسخگویان به سمینار : حدود 160 نفر از دانشجویان به گزارش جواب دادند. شرکت کنندگان در سمینار دانشجویان دانشگاه جامع علمی – کاربردی می باشند.
5. چگونگی انتخاب شرکت کنندگان در سمینار : مرحله انتخاب شرکت کنندگان بر اساس توانایی های دانشجویان صورت می گیرد. معیار انتخاب اصلی سطح دانشجویان زبان ، دلایل آنها برای علاقه به شرکت در سمینار زبان انگلیسی و ارتباط بیشتر بین مدرسان و دانشجویان می باشد. نیاز برای یادگیری انگلیسی در سطح پیشرفته و دانشگاهی به عنوان اصلی ترین بخش این سمینار در نظر گرفته می شود . در نهایت 18 تا 25 نفر از دانشجویان برای سمینار انتخاب می شوند و این نکته شایان ذکر است که به دلیل محدودیت اعضا نمی توان از همه دانشجویان برای ایفای نقش استفاده کرد. شرکت کنندگان در سمینار نمایندگان دانشجویان می باشند.
6. برنامه : این برنامه یا سمینار در نظر دارد که یک سمینار آموزشی را برای شرکت کنندگان معرفی کند و سپس در گروه های کوچک آنها به بررسی و تجزیه و تحلیل سمینار بپردازند. در شروع سمینار از آنها درخواست می شود که گزارشی را درباره روند سمینار به نماینده هر گروه ارائه دهند.

برنامه سمینار
چهارشنبه 11 سپتامبر
شروع سمینار با سخنرانی مجری برنامه
قسمت اول : سخنرانی توسط دکتر جاویدمهر رئیس دانشگاه علمی – کاربردی واحد 13
قسمت دوم : تجزیه و تحلیل شعر
1) fire and ice by Robert frost
2) The Road not takeد by Robert frost
3) To lacasta , Going to the war by Richard lovelace
قسمت سوم : اجرای نمایشنامه :
The Brute by Anton chekhov
7) مدرسان :
سپیده شهبازی : مدرک فوق لیسانس زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
پانته آ رجاء : مدرک فوق لیسانس زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
گزارش سمینار :
ارزیابی دانشجویان
8) فرم ارزیابی : فرم ارزیابی برای شرکت کنندگان در سمینار بعد از اتمام آن فرستاده خواهد شد. این فرم بیان نظرات و عقاید دانشجویان درباره سمینار می باشد.
9) خلاصه ارزیابی دانشجویان : در نسخه انگلیسی آورده شده.
10) توصیه هایی برای سمینارهای آینده :
1. سمینارهای آینده بایستی به عنوان سمینار انگلیسی آکادمیک ومعرفی و ارائه سمینار بر عهده دانشجویانی باشد که دانش کافی را در این زمینه دارند.
2. تمامی شرکت کنندگان در سمینار های آینده لازم است فرم ارزیابی سمینار را پر کنند.
3. اتاق سخنرانی لازم است بهتر مجهز و آماده شود .
4. تمامی شرکت کنندگان در سمینار بایستی با روند سمینارهای آینده و ساختار آن آشنا شوند.
5. تعهدات بسیار مهم است.
6. سمینار های آینده بایستی به طور مداوم برگزار شود مثلا یکبار در ماه ... . بنابراین فرصت بهتری برای شرکت کنندگان بوجود می آید تا دانش خود را به طور علمی و در محیط دانشگاهی ارائه دهند.
7. جلسه ای بایستی بعد از برگزاری سمینار برای دانشجویان برگزار شود تا سؤالات آنها پاسخ داده و مدرسان نتیجه عملکرد تدریس خود را بدانند.