Wednesday, 03 July 2024


The UAST-13 scientific associations takes part in the Sixth Intra-university Festival “harekat”.

university Festival “harekat”.

The UAST-13 scientific associations takes part in the Sixth Intra-university
Festival “harekat”.

The UAST-13 English scientific-colligeate associations participated in the Sixth Intra-university Festival “harekat”, presenting the best of theirs in the stall alloted to East-Tehran Province in an exhibition area , and hosted the administrative and provincial principals of UAST including Dr. Tashakouri, the dean of Khorasan Razavi UAST, Dr. Naseri, the managing director of the UAST Centre of Documents and Publications and Dr. Darabi, the manager of UAST Cultural and Societal Office.

Festival harekat

Festival harekat

Festival harekat

Festival harekat

Festival harekat