Wednesday, 03 July 2024


special ceremony of The Week of Books and Book Reading

 Week of Books and Book Reading
The managing director of Bookhouse in a special ceremony of The Week of Books and Book Reading 
A special ceremony to the occasions of The Week of Books and Book Reading and Vahdat Week (The week of unity of Muslims) took place on 19 Nov, 2018.

The ceremony was held at UAST-13 conference hall and enjoyed the presence of the honourable dean of UAST-13, Dr. Safapou; the managing director of Bookhouse, Dr. Husseinpour; the in-charge manager of book administration, Mr. Mokhtari; and the head of cultural affairs and PR majors, Mr. Ali Salarian.
Dr. Safapou, the honourable dean of UAST-13, lectured the students on the importance of book reading policies for the youth and the consistancy of UAST-13 in its innivations concerning books and book reading such as : Revolving Books and Book Alms (aiming at directing alms toward books and culture)
Dr. Hussainpour continued the ceremony by giving a speech through which he named the week “good feelings of books” and addressed some biblio-pathologic issues of the day such as low levels of book reading among the youth under the influence of the social media. He also asserted that they are preparing useful pograms to develop knowledge and book reading. He, later, expressed his gratitude to UAST-13 for attaching a great importance to the issues of this kind.
In the end, Mr. Salarian, the head of cultural affairs and PR majors, gave the audience a brief account of activities performed by the Book and Book Reading Centre of UAST-13. It is also worth mentioning that all the books donated through Book Alms program will be sent to deprived areas of the country.

Week of Books and Book Reading
Week of Books and Book Reading
Week of Books and Book Reading